I was running toward Daniella's locker she wasent there.I thought she might have been late so I went to her socail studies class. I guess I had to have lunch by myself, I sit there with no one else because she's my only friend, she's the only one who cares about me. I slowly walked to lunch, I took baby steps. Everyone was saying "can you walk any slower?" Then they laughed and kicked my shoes, then I tripped. I slowly got up to seeing kind of my friend Lindsay.
"Why the ground?" She laughed ."Someone tripped me" i cried .
"Oh want to have lunch with me?" She asked.
"Yes!!" I yelled.
When we finally got to the lunch table everyone was staring at me. So I just sat there thinking about Daniella and where she could be. I knew this wasn't my day. All of a sudden on the loud speakers i heard "Angelina Hart to the office thank you " everyone started laughing and saying"what did you do?" I just quickly walked away.