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I forgot to say it last chapter, but we got over 1k views (nearly 2k [1.8k] at the time of writing 👌 thank you(:

January 15, Saturday 2020
[Sungchan POV]

   The flap of the built green tent parted, a silver haired male stepped out, Sungchan's eyes meeting the other's. No fucking way.

   "Sungchannie," Turning away for his self proclaimed enemy, he listened to Jaemin, "O, we already picked tentmates a while go, before I asked if you wanted to come... You're okay with sharing a tent with Shotaro right?"

   He could feel his soul leave his body. Sharing a tent?! What— sleeping next to each other for two days?! With that pervert!? He laughed awkwardly, glancing at Shotaro, who still had a slight smirk on his face, "Jaemin hyung... are you sure I can't share a tent with someone else?"

   Then, Jaemin leaned in close, whispering, "Please? You could switch with Jisung or Chenle," he pointed to the two confused teens, which were now accompanied by that guy. "But like, they both got a crush on each other and are both really dense about it. I was hoping they'll notice on this camping trip."

   Young love... you can't interfere with that, "Then what about uh, them? They don't seem to get along well..." He nodded towards the two arguing over the tent pieces, one more so whining exaggeratingly and the other more so trying to follow the handbook.

   "Oh no no no, Donghyuck would murder me if I switched him or Mark out. Mark would probably thank us though... it doesn't seem like it, but they definitely love each other." Jaemin replied. He couldn't see it, but who was he to judge? He really had no choose here. He didn't even bother asking to switch with him, Jeno, or Renjun.

   After the small whisper fest, the older got curious, "Sungchannie, why don't you want to tent with Taro? You'll only be sleeping together for two night."

   He grabbed him by the shoulders, startling him, "You don't understand! That silver haired bastard is a fricking pervert!"

   Jeno, who was standing near by, over heard, "Pervert? But Shotaro is so... innocent, cute, and most definitely not perverted, he's too shy to do anything like that." Jaemin agreed with his boyfriend. Neither Jaemin or Jeno could see Shotaro as a 'pervert' as the taller had said. Shotaro is way too... shy. Their statements left Sungchan with a gaping mouth, That silver haired bastard has them all fooled!

   Laughing a bit, Jaemin just said, "Come'on Channie, he's not that bad! Just for two nights, only sleeping, that's it." For a second it was silent, Sungchan just staring at his desperately not wanting to before Jaemin spoke again,

"Yah, 'Silver haired bastard' and 'pervert'... do you two know each from somewhere? Why're you so against sharing a tent?" Sure, Jaemin partly knew, but why was Sungchan still pissed about it? Hasn't it been a week already?

Not knowing that basically everyone here knew of the ordeal that went down on Sunday, all he could say was, "I– well, kind of?"

Jaemin nodded slowly. "Okay... well I have to go and help Jeno and Rejun build our tent. You can go and get cozy in yours and Shotaro's as he seems to have already built it." The cotton candy haired boy walked off, leaving him to silently weep in despair.

   Do I really have to? What if he does something while I'm sleeping? And there he goes, overthinking again. He looked over to Shotaro who was helping the two youngest build their tent, his eyes observing him. The other had one some athletic (a/n: idk what they're called so I'm calling them athletic sweatpants, the ones that make that zzzvvv sound when you rub your legs together with them on) sweat pants and a baggy black tank top than showed off his arms and more than just lean muscles.

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