Chapter 11

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They were frozen. Seven men stopped in the ebb of Time as the door swang open, letting the light beside them dance into the room and illuminate a figure there. A glow surrounded her, head to toe, and their hearts ceased their dance in admiration.

The light pooled in her eyes; lit like the galaxies above their heads as they gazed to their unreachable dreams each night. But right then they felt as if they were one step closer; a step in the direction of obtaining all that they could ever want, or ever need. They have stood at the top of the world for quite some time, having climed through the sludge of criticism and oppression fostered through ignorance, disrespect  and closed minds; but they never felt as close to the stars as they did in that moment, with her within their reach for the first time in any of their lives.

They were so certain that they were before the missing part of their soul; and they were so confused. Where was the old lady, all they saw, all they could see, was a youthful and beautiful girl.

But they didn't have time to be confused. The youngest of them, the closest to the door as he had been since it first closed before them and he first truly understood what layed beyond, bolted into the room. He passed Mireu in a flash, time seeming to cast him forward, replacing what they lost. Mireu was confused, so was the old man beside her, but she wasn't. All she was was falling, a faintness overcoming her every fiber with the realisation of her souls reunion with its many peices.

He caught her in his arms as she fell. The galaxies disappeared with the closing curtains of her lids and the tension left her being.

Within a blink of the eye the other six were by their side. The youngest was placing her down on the vacated couch, his arms lowing slowly until he no longer supported her weight. He pulled away slightly, a sense of hesitancy as his embracing hold was reduced to the mere touch of his hand upon her own. He didn't like the feeling, to have to let go, but his worry for her safety was much greater than the feelings telling him to never let go.

Yoongi nelt down, a hand placed upon her head as he checked her temperature. It felt alright, a little higher than perhaps it should be, but it was fine. He, on the other hand, was warming up; his heart accelerating with his nearness to his soul.

"How is she," asked Jin from beside him, the others looking on with the same eager anxiety as their eldest.

Yoongi tilted his head slightly, looking upon her face, analysing, before feeling the steady pulse in her neck and responding, "she should be fine, just fainted".

They relaxed hearing this, Hoseok almost falling to the floor as his legs gave way. Luckily he caught himself on the back of the couch, and at the same time the old man covered his mouth and breathed in a shaky breath of worry.

"It is okay grandpa," Mireu said as he walked to him and wraped his arms around the man's shoulders.

The seven looked away from her for a moment, to glance up at them and they were reminded by their forgotten manager of their earlier confusion.

"What is going on? Where is the woman who vanished?" Were the first of several questions asked by Sejin.

Mireu's granfather looked to him, and to the seven that surround his unconscious sister, "she is that woman. For the first time in 45 year's she has returned to us and it appears that even now, so far from the torment of the time she left, she will still not have peace".

They didn't know what he meant, and his eyes were as cold and lifeless as his tone.

Whilst some remained confused, others quickly took offence, though they still knew nothing.

"She will be happy, we will make sure of that," Jimin defend, unhappy at the insinuation that they would somehow cause her suffering.

"Do you think we would hurt her?" Jungkook asked, hurt fillling his entirety at the mere insinuation.

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