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*Christmas day*
*everyone visits their families and receives gifts that have obviously been checked by the guards. Rose has been carrying around a medium sized parcel all day waiting to give it to Max. Everyone has been looking at her strange but they don't dare question it. She speaks to her mum her brother didn't show. Her mum hands her 2 gifts. One from her mum and one from her brother. And a card from her dad. She speaks with her mum for a while drops her things back in her room and goes to the centre to find everyone else.*
Olivia- Merry Christmas! *she shouts as soon as Rose walks through the door. She runs up to her and wraps her arms around her* we're just waiting for Mini and Max and Harvey and then we will gift exchange *she says way too excited*
*20 minuets later and everyone is finally there. After hugs and everything they sit down in a circle and exchange gifts*
Olivia- so I got Jared *she hands Jared a box. He opens it and his face lights up he throws his arms around olivia and then speaks*
Jared- she made me a bunch of reasons why she loves me and then put my favourite sweets in the bottom. Thank you liv *he smiles*
*they went around the circle until it eventually got to Max and Rose. Rose passes the parcel over to Max who looks shocked at how she's been able to carry it around all day. He opens it and his face lights up.
Max- it's a duck! *he says before taking in the detail* did you paint this yourself?
Rose- yes I did *she smiles*
Max- it's amazing thank you
Rose- you're welcome
Olivia- let us see come on the suspense is killing us *she squeals*
*he flips the painting around to show them*

 Max- it's a duck! *he says before taking in the detail* did you paint this yourself?Rose- yes I did *she smiles* Max- it's amazing thank you Rose- you're welcome Olivia- let us see come on the suspense is killing us *she squeals* *he flips the pa...

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*everyone erupts into gasps and awes as they look at the painting and praise Rose for all the work she put into it*
Max- okay now it's my turn *he hands Rose a book shaped package and she opens it*
*Rose looks at the cover of the book named. "The fascinating the intriguing and the talented!" It was hand written and she was confused at first but she proceeded to open it and on the first page was

 "The fascinating the intriguing and the talented!" It was hand written and she was confused at first but she proceeded to open it and on the first page was

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Captioned "the first day I met you. You didn't realise it but you were staring into space and I doodle when I'm bored so I doodled this and I added more detail onto it to put in this book please don't find this creepy ahah x" she smiled and then flicked to the other page

 You didn't realise it but you were staring into space and I doodle when I'm bored so I doodled this and I added more detail onto it to put in this book please don't find this creepy ahah x" she smiled and then flicked to the other page

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It was captioned "sorry it's all on different paper but it's the only way I could stick all the original drawings into this book to actually make it. This is from when we were doing Winnie the Pooh impressions one day when we were working x" she felt her eyes fill with tears as it was so sweet that he actually remembered that. She flicked to the next page

This drawing was captioned "this is just because, I think it's cute and it reminds me of you on the days when you're confused or surprised that sparkle in your eyes will never leave my mind x" now tears were slowly falling down her face

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This drawing was captioned "this is just because, I think it's cute and it reminds me of you on the days when you're confused or surprised that sparkle in your eyes will never leave my mind x" now tears were slowly falling down her face. She flicked to the next page

This was captioned "this photo is what you looked like on the day that you walked up Philip, this will stay in my mind purely because you made him shit his pants and I couldn't stop laughing x" she laughed a little at this and then finally flicked...

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This was captioned "this photo is what you looked like on the day that you walked up Philip, this will stay in my mind purely because you made him shit his pants and I couldn't stop laughing x" she laughed a little at this and then finally flicked to the last page

This was captioned "this photo is what you looked like on the day that you walked up Philip, this will stay in my mind purely because you made him shit his pants and I couldn't stop laughing x" she laughed a little at this and then finally flicked...

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This one was captioned "ooo the only one with colour. This is what I imagine happiness is like, I want you to look at this and think of happiness Rose. Merry Christmas. Love from Mills (Max the better twin) xx. At this point tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't even hide it anymore, she jumped up went over to Max and fell into him. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her hair*
Max- hey hey don't cry
Rose- that was so sweet thank you so much *she says into his chest*
Mini- *picks the book up and flicks through it* awe this is so cute I can see why she's crying. Rose? Max? Can I show them?
*they both nod and keep hugging*

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