Chapter 14

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It was summer time the air was hot and the sunlight never ending Oliver had a surprise for you, he lead you down to the black lake there was a picnic waiting for you.
He had asked the kitchen elves to make some food, they were so nice and sweet.
"So what's your plan for when you leave hogwarts." Oliver asked.
"Oh umm well I'll probably live with my dad and Sirius." You said with a smile.
"Why don't we move in tougher." He really wanted you to say yes.
"Why don't we stay at my house for a bit and then find a place where we can live." You said as you bit into a sandwich.
"Yeah that's a great idea." He said as he picked up a cupcake.

Talking about your future with Oliver was exciting he was so happy that he would be able to live with you but the only thing that made you a little bit sad is that if Oliver made it on the puddlemore quidditch team he wouldn't be around much and you would be by yourself but that thought was brushed away when you could picture Oliver's face if he made it onto the team.

Time skip——- bought to you by Hermione being smart.

You made your way back to the commen room and started reading a book when the golden trio burst in.
"Y/N." They screamed.
"What's wrong guys." There faces were painted with worry.
"You know how yours and Oliver's last quidditch games is coming up." Hermione exclaimed.
"Yes." You said a little bit confused.
"We overheard some slytherins talking they have a plan to take you and Oliver down so they can win." Harry looked pale.
"OLIVER." You screamed. He ran down the stairs to the commen room.
" yes what's wrong love." He asked confused to why you screamed at the top of your lungs.
"We have a problem." You stood up and walked over to him and told him everything the trio has told you.
"From what we heard they have gone all out
•love potions
•broom curses
They have so many plans that they might even try and play you two against each other." Hermione was panicking.
"What do we do." You asked Oliver.
"Wait did you say love potions." You cut Oliver off Hermione nodded.
"Oh shit omg they are going to try and kill us." You started to pace around.
"Language hun." Oliver said pointing to the trio.
"It's fine we've heard her say worse." Ron said try to defuse the tension.

(Did you see what I did there 'defuse the tension'. 😂😂)

"Were screwed." You said.
"Not if we have anything to say about it." The twins said as they walked over with a bunch of there prank products.

Oooooo things are about to go down.😂😂😂

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