Chapter 2

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She swipes right before she can even entertain the thought of it being a fake profile.

But two blinks later and the all-too-professional picture sitting above the words Jisoo, 27 is gone and Jennie is left to wonder if she didn't just imagine the whole thing in her drunken haze.

Lisa shows up then, and Jennie immediately closes the app, pocketing her phone as she watches her blow warm breath into her hands and rub them together as she bounces on the balls of her feet. The way her eyes eyes move left and right in a speed that is just not normal is enough for Jennie to know that she enjoyed that open tab way too much.

She nudges her shoulder against her arm.

"Come on, loser. I'm missing my warm bed right now."

She nods and the two of them walk together in silence for a while. Then, Lisa pipes up.

"She seems nice." she says, hands shoved into the pockets of her jacket. "Didn't she?"

Jennie furrows her brows at her. "Who?"

"Jisoo." She explains. "Jisoo Kim. She didn't seem one of those stuck-up celebrities that the blabbermouths are always going on about."

And yeah, she really didn't. Jennie couldn't say that she actually spent time with Jisoo, but from what she could see from her end of the table, it looked as if the woman had no problem dealing with her fame and it was actually quite pleasant to everyone who stopped by her side to introduce themselves and sometimes even ask for a picture.

It seemed impossible for Jisoo Kim to be more perfect than she appeared to be on TV, but the night they'd just had had proved that she, in fact, was.

"Yeah." She agrees, kicking a stone on her path just as her phone buzzes in her pocket and lets out a notification sound. "I didn't actually think she hung out with the rest of us mere mortals."

"I know, right!" Lisa grins to herself. "That was really cool. I even introduced myself when I went to get us another round. Do you think she'll remember my name if we ever see each other again?"

Jennie actually laughs at that, shaking her head just as her phone lets out another sound.

"I wouldn't bet on it, buddy."

She briefly entertains the idea of checking it to see if it was a text from either of her siblings, but it's cold and her hands are warm inside of her jacket and she doesn't want to lose that. Besides, they're a block away from the station, so she decides to just check that once she's somewhere slightly warmer.

"Whatever." Lisa shrugs, just as they descend into the platforms. "She knew it for like five seconds, so that's already awesome." She glances down at Jennie for a second, and then nods to herself. "I'll see ya next week, Jennie. Have a good weekend!"

She then starts to run towards her train that is fast approaching and Jennie has to shake her head at just how much of a kid she looks when she's drunk out of her ass, even more so than usual.

She takes off her phone and walks to the opposite side Lisa just headed, seeing that her train is thankfully also arriving and she won't have to wait another five whole minutes for it.

Jennie almost falls right into the small gap between the train and the platform once she unlocks the screen of her phone to find a You have a new match! notification, followed by a New message from Jisoo.

She clicks on it just as she falls on the cool SkyTrain seat and it feels as if her heart is pounding in her chest when the chat window opens to reveal a message from the person who's claiming to be Jisoo Kim but cannot, in any way, shape or form, actually be her.

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