Chapter 1- Brielle

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Chapter 1

I reluctantly opened my eyes to the blaring sound of my alarm clock.  I yawned, shutting the alarm off.  No snooze for me today, the first day of classes of my sophomore year at NYU.  I rolled out of bed and made my way over to the living room to turn the news on.  After the TV was on, I grabbed my phone from where it was charging on the side table and made my way to the tiny kitchen to make myself a bowl of oatmeal.  Today is going to be a big day, I can just feel it.  And I know something is going to happen that has nothing to do with school, I just can’t tell what yet.  As I spooned the creamy oats into my mouth, I looked down at my phone.  I had a ton of new messages in the group chat I have going with a select group of my “boys”.  Right now, the messages were mostly rants about some trivial problem about a deal that just went over.  It was up to me, as their leader, to snap them back to reality.  I sent a stern message and that seemed to do the trick.  Laughing, I went back to my bedroom to get dressed. 

I slipped on black skinny jeans, a light purple hoodie, and dark purple converse.  I quickly put my long light brown hair into a fishtail braid and put some mascara on to accentuate my hazel eyes.  I grabbed my bag off of the hook by the front door and jogged to school. 

I am so glad NYU is so close to my house, I can always get some exercise in before and after school.  With my current occupation is can be hard to find time to exercise and do all my assignments as well and living at home is so much better than dorming, and way more convenient. 

I presently arrived at my first class, Psychology 202, ten minutes early.  I went in and sat down near the front, trying to make a good impression with the professor from the start.  I settled myself down and got my pen and notepad out, ready to jot down whatever the professor said. 

The professor introduced himself as Mr. Jameson and started talking after most of the room had filled up.  The only free seat in the room was to my left.  I looked around and discovered that there was not a single familiar face in the room.  I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down; it has been such a stressful week already.  A few minutes after the class started, a tallish, dark haired girl walked in, out of breath, late.  The professor reprimanded her and told her to sit down.  She sat down in the only empty seat in the room, the one next to me.  I quickly glanced at her, smiling friendly-like.  She looked so familiar, yet I couldn’t put a finger on where I knew her from. 

I was taking notes when I looked down at the girl’s shoes.  They were maroon Nikes and they were stunning.  I just have to get myself a pair of those.  She leaned over and asked me for a piece of paper, which I automatically gave to her.  Addison, I think is what Mr. Jameson said her name was, is obviously having a bad day. 

After class, I told her how much I love her shoes after she said thank you for giving her a piece of paper.  Of course, I didn’t mind.  She seemed like a cool person that I want to get to know better, maybe even friend material.  She hurried off to grab her notebook before her next class.  I left the building and started walking down the street toward a small bagel shop where and my boyfriend and I had previously decided to meet for lunch. 

I walked into the shop, searching for Harry.  He was sitting in a corner booth.  He spotted me and waved me over, smiling, creating huge dimples in his cheeks.  I took in his nice build, perfectly messy golden curls, and his vibrant green eyes.  I walked over to where he was standing and gave him a hug, taking in his pleasant scent. 

“Hello, love” he greeted me in his adorable British accent.  I grinned, “Hey Harry,” I replied sounding lame.  Gosh he’s so perfect.

“So what’s the plan of action for the r-“ I cut him off, “Let’s not speak of that in public please”

He smiled.  “You are right Brielle, we should go somewhere more private.” He winked at me, making my heart flutter.  The way he says my name just makes me want to melt into a puddle.  No, I must stay strong.  “Let’s eat, Harry.  Then after class we can do something.”  I said teasingly.  He hates it when I tease him like that.  I laughed at his smirking face.  Then he laughed, too.               

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