love is in the air

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"I can't do this math!" donghyuck works on his math homework during lunch.

"I'm trying to help you but you're being a pain!" renjun decides to yell at him since he was yelling too.

johnny starts typing and he shows renjun.

just don't help him and let him fail as a lesson for being annoying

renjun laughs and he nods.

"what!? what did he say!?" donghyuck looks at johnny and he shrugs and mark chuckles.

"you guys are giving me a headache" taeyong looks up at them from his phone.

"you should have a headache by now from being on your phone so much" jeno says and taeyong rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone.

"jenooooo" jaemin makes his way over to their table and he sits next to jeno. "I missed youuu"

jeno chuckles and gives him a peck.

"I missed you too"

donghyuck gags, and renjun looks at him and gives him a soft kiss.

"you gonna gag at that?" renjun asks and donghyuck's cheeks turns a light red.

"never!" donghyuck says and he wraps his arms around renjun.

"you're so clingy hyuck" jeno says and donghyuck looks at him.

"says the one with his arm wrapped around jaemin" donghyuck sticks his tongue out at him and jeno rolls his eyes.

"it's because we're in love!" jaemin says and donghyuck stands up.

"so are we!" donghyuck says and jaemin stands up too.

"hey! both of you shut up and sit down" mark says and johnny chuckles.

"sorry for being late I had to talk to my teacher" doyoung walks over.
"did I miss anything?"

"just hyuck being clingy" taeyong says and donghyuck looks at him.

"actually I don't want to know" doyoung sits down next to taeyong.

the bell rings and they all separate to go to their next classes.


johnny and mark walk into foreign study and they sit in their seats.

johnny looks at mark like he wants to say something and mark looks at him and waits for him to type.

I've wanted to do this for a while now, but I'm grateful for everything you've done for me. I want to pay you back for everything, are you free tomorrow?

"you don't have to pay me back, I was just being myself" mark says and johnny smiles.

I still want to though

"fine, what time?" mark asks.

is 2 pm okay?

"of course, I can't wait to spend the day with you" mark says and johnny nods and the bell rings.

renjun walks in and he sits down next to mark.

"sorry for being here late, donghyuck was ranting to me about how he's gonna fail math" renjun says and they chuckle.

"we figured it was because of him" mark says and johnny nods.

"I mean I love him and all but his rants get annoying" renjun says and mark and johnny's eyes widen.

"you love him?" mark asks.

"what? did I say that? um..." renjun starts laughing nervously.

johnny starts typing and shows renjun.

tell him you love him, I'm sure he loves you too

"shh class is starting" renjun turns around to face the front and johnny rolls his eyes as mr. lee walks in.


after school, they decide to meet up and donghyuck and taeyong's house since their parents weren't home.

"what's up with your parents not being home?" jeno asks.

"they... go on business trips" donghyuck says and taeyong nods.

"how often?" mark asks.

"can we talk about something else?" donghyuck says and they all stay silent.

"what's wrong? you can be honest with us" renjun looks at him.

"I don't want to talk about it" donghyuck looks down and they all look at taeyong.

"ugh fine" taeyong puts his phone down.

"have you ever heard the phrase 'all parents love their children?' well that's not the case for us. they always find excuses to leave the house. they claim they go on business trips but one time donghyuck found them at a restaurant. they've been lying to us for a few years now. we haven't seen them in maybe months" taeyong says and renjun looks at donghyuck and he brings him into his arms.

"that's awful" mark says and johnny nods.

"when we were little we were close to them too, when you're close to your parents and then suddenly they lie to you and they leave you, it hurts" taeyong says and doyoung holds taeyong's hand.

"I hate them!" donghyuck says and he starts crying, renjun keeps him in his embrace.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" jeno says.

"it's fine, you probably were gonna found out eventually" taeyong says.

"hyuck, do you want to just stay here tonight then?" renjun looks at donghyuck and he sits up.

"no, it's okay"

"are you sure?"

"yes I'm sure, why do you care anyway? it's just my parents"

"because I love you and I don't want you sad" renjun says and donghyuck looks at him.

"you love me?" donghyuck asks and renjun nods.

donghyucks frown turns to a big smile and he kisses him.

"I love you too!"

they all exchange smiles and then after a while they decide to go out to the arcade and play some games.

"now taeyong, these are arcade games that aren't on your phone" doyoung puts taeyong's phone down.

"you're on" taeyong says and they go play the games.

"johnny, do you want to play some games?" mark looks at johnny and he nods and mouths "duh".

"NOOOO YOU SUCK!" donghyuck was mad that renjun beat him in table hockey.

"can you be any louder?" someone walked near them.

"go away, jackson" mark walks up to jackson.

welcome to the sequel to zimzalabim ! I was re reading it and I realized there was some secrets to be told that I didn't get to reveal on zimzalabim, and I wanted more to happen between the friends.

hope you like it

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