(2)Getting stereotyped by a talking mirror

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In the translation I love how Vil is labeled, "Beautiful Man"

"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments? Listen up, new students. Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head."

"...Uuugghh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over. We're going back to the dorm. Savanaclaw, follow me."

"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to its fullest. As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle. I will support you to the best of my ability."

"By the way, where did the Dean go? He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..."

"Abandoning his post..."

"Did he get a stomachache or something?"

"Not at all!" The headmaster proclaims bursting through the doors.

"Ah, he's here," a little red haired man says.

"I cannot believe you all. We were missing one new student, so I went to find them." The man says moving aside to reveal a feminine figure.

'Pomefiore', everyone thought as they looked at his face.

"You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch over the raccoon and I'll also take your luggage," Crowley said gesturing to the box on the boys back.

"No, I'll keep this box. It's more important to me than my own life," the boy said shocking many people.

"O-oh, Please step in front of the Dark Mirror," the birb man said catching his composure.

"State thy name," the mirror says in a deep voice.

'holy-! The mirror is talking! The freakin' mirror is talking! What is this sorcery!?'


"o-oh," the (h/c) says grinning sheepishly. "(Y/N) Kamado."

"The shape of thy soul is...



I do not know." The mirror says shocking literally everyone.

"Come again?" Crowley asks greatly confused.

"I sense not a spark of magic from this one... This child has something but it is not magic. Therefore, they are suited for no dormitory. Also, on a more important note this child is a girl." The mirror answers shocking people even more. This causes whispers to echo throughout the hall.

"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic, let alone a girl! In 100 years, there has not been once been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world..."

"Mghmgh... Pah! Then I'll take their place!" the demon raccoon says breaking free of his binds.

"Stay right there! Raccoon!" Crowley yells pointing a claw adorned pinger at the monster as if it woul do something.

"Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead! If you need proof, I'll show you right now." (Y/N)'s eyes widen as she realizes what the monster's about to do.

"Everyone, get down!" The (h/c) and the redhead yell as the fiery cat-raccoon starts shooting fire around the hall.

"Waaaah! Hottttttt! My butt's on fire!" A white haired boy yells, jumping around as if it would help the butt fire. (Y/N) quickly runs over to the boy.

"Take it off!" The girl yells above the screams.

"Wait, What!?"

"Just do it!" The boy takes quickly takes off his robes and starts unbuttoning his shirt.

"W-what are you doing!?" The girl yells covering her eyes as she stamps out the last of the burnt robe.

"You said to take my clothes off", the boy says.

"I just meant to take off the robe!"

"Ohh, that makes more sense", the boy says as the girl sweat drops at him.

Meanwhile while that is going on-

"At this rate, the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody, catch that raccoon!" Crowley yells above the screams of terror.

"Che! Suck-ups", a man with lion ears said."Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack?" A beautiful man said."Why me? Do it yourself", that lion man said."Mr. Crowley, please leave it to me", a man with glasses said, "I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself."

"That's Azul for you. Always try to earn himself brownie points", a tablet spoke.

"Are you all even listening!?"

"If it's just catching some stupid raccoon, can't you do it yourself, Teach?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a raccoon! The Great Grim that will become the greatest magician is me!"

Suddenly the dumbass has an idea.

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