Impelling Nothing

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Just will yourself--will yourself to kiss her neck, after this it will be over.

  Midnight Flammis, as usual, is with a need to explain what he is doing, nor can he explain what he is doing;His lips are covered with kisses, his hand locked behind the woman's neck--a woman whom he doesn't even remember meeting-,and the other hand skimming her legs. The woman, obviously had drowned herself by the kiss, had taken off his black waistcoat and shirt. Midnight willed himself to kiss her, to caress her, to drown himself in the necessity to fall in love with her.

 But why is his mind meddled with so many questions? This never happened before....

 Snap out of it. Focus you idiot. There is no hope for you in wishing something you can never have.

 Midnight swallowed his disgust--a disgust he always felt when he was with a woman he needs, not want, to be with--and kissed her neck.The woman obviously was blushing,hesitating yet had a fiery desire inside her to have more. Midnight kissed her neck and her throat and she in return caressed his hands and arms, and immediately unbuckled his belt.

 It's time.

 Midnight returned back to her neck, kissing it and slowly meeting her lips finally.

 "I'm sorry."

 And his eyes turned red violet and gave into the darkness's grasp.


 Midnight starts buttoning his cuffs on his sleeves, trying not to look behind him. His clean, white shirt had been stained with blood so he took it off and by the use of magic, pulled out a new one out of thin air. He put on his black hat which blends well with his purple eyes and hair, bringing out its stark and beautiful colors..... yet filled with dark and unexplained feelings.

 The woman he had been with was now dead. Midnight had unbuttoned her shirt, showing off her D-cup. He turned away and grimaced. He hated doing that--well a bit-- yet he still continued doing it....what for?

 For Soliel. That's all that matters to him. His brother's life.

 Midnight snapped his fingers and the woman was covered with flames. As the flames devoured her, Midnight merely puts his hands in his pockets, his eyes hidden under the shadow of his hat.

 Dammit, stop thinking about her. 

 The flames had stopped and all that was left of the woman, or rather, a vampire, was ashes. Midnight folded his arms, checked his sundial and started walking out of the woman's room.

For people who had no meaning in their lives, who had spent the past days in their lives, bringing misfortune to others had only one hope: death. Midnight wished to die, he always had...but he couldn't. Three reasons. One, someone is stopping him to do so and if he did die that someone will harm Soliel, the only family he has left. Second, even if that someone is dead, he couldn't die because his soul is chained to Phoenix, and if Phoenix is alive, he would not die. Third...... Because there is someone he still cares for in this world aside from Soliel.

If the wind could speak then it must be the one whispering in his ears. Whispering a name impelling him upward, yet a name of a person he couldn't have.

 As the moonless night dwells on and Midnight went on, invisible voices continued to whisper the name, "Lunatic."


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