Part One

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I created this for a class project. The first one is the original, while the second one is a much shorter version cause the limit was only a few pages. Hope you like it. I do not own BBC Sherlock.



"John!" Sherlock yelled. The dark haired genius was pacing the room pulling his hair, while his blond room mate was reading the paper and drinking his tea. "I'm bored. I need a case. Now" Sherlock muttered.

"Sherlock I can't kill someone. I don't kill without a need, and me killing for your entertainment isn't enough of an excuse." John said not looking up. "Why don't you just call Lestrade for a case to do. I'm sure he would love the help."

"Please I want a case not an excuse to put you near Anderson. He already lowered most of Scotland Yard. I don't need him lowering yours, too." Sherlock said laying down on the couch going into his mind pose.

"Oh thank you for thinking of my I.Q. that will never compare to some people." John said rolling his eyes. Just then the phone started to ring.

"John hand me the phone" Sherlock commanded extending his hand out to John.

"Its two feet away from you. You can get it" John snapped getting up to head to the kitchen.

"Yes but two feet to far" Sherlock sassed. John just rolled his eyes, picking up the phone John handed it to Sherlock not wanting to argue with him.

"John we have a case. Get your coat."Sherlock said excitedly jumping up and grabbing his coat and running out the door. John grabbed his coat and fallowed the dark haired man out the door into the cab.

"Kensal Green Cemetery" Sherlock told the driver, then looked at his phone.

"so what is it?" John asked

"Three bodies were found in the Catacombs at the Kensal Green Cemetery. All found by the same person. The bodies limbs and head was taken off the torso and placed a foot away everything face down."Sherlock said still not looking up from the phone.

"Who found them?" John asked. He noticed the driver glanced at them raising a big eyebrow.

"One of the tour guides" the dark haired man replied. John gave the driver an apologized look, while the driver just shook his head and went back to driving.

"I'm guessing you have an idea already?" John guessed. The blond man waited for a reply from Sherlock but quickly found he isn't going to get the answer though John knew he did probably have a hypothesis.

Sometime later the cab stopped at the enterence to the cemetery. Sherlock jumped out leaving John to pay. Sherlock ignored the Gothic stones and the stupid man, but it seemed the stupid man wouldn't ignore him today.

"Oh look whose here" Anderson sneered at Sherlock.

"Anderson please, your face already looks bad enough, and your sneering isn't going to help your ugly looks" Sherlock replied calmly and walked passed him without a glance but heard John behind him chuckling at Anderson's face.

"Sherlock your here. Good" Lestrade said. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Ideas? Yes. But to conform it I need a history of who is buried near the area the victims were killed, the tour guides family history dated back a few hundred years. See if any match with who is buried here. I also want a paper with a line for someone to sighn and what each victim did about 24 hours before." Sherlock listed. Lestrade nodded.

"You go in to have a look. I'll get Anderson or Donovan to get the info." Lestrade said then turned away from the two ignoring Sherlock when he back talked about the two. John just rolled his eyes at the man and fallowed him into the musty smelling catacombs.

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