Is this jealousy?

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Your first boyfriend. The man who you gave all your firsts to. The one who you planned on staying with for the rest of your life.

It was

You never stopped loving him. You knew he was rich and successful after staring in Wreck It Ralph, but you never expected to see him again.
"Haha hey Y/N" says Ralph, as he grins seductively.
man... he is so hot..
"Hey ralph long time no see! I heard you become mega rich after your hit movie. How about paying back the love I wasted on you?" You faked a laugh. He was visibly irritated.
"Tch Y/N you know I didn't leave you because I wanted to. If I could've I would've stayed with you but this was a huge opportunity and I couldn't miss out."
"I missed out on so much because of you and YOU wanting to become rich and famous dumped me for your STUPID DREAM!"
"Woah woah there Y/N I never said I loved you that much back then to stay with you but now I've realized my mistakes and want to make amends. So what I've been wanting to mention.. will you give me the honor of being your boyf-"
He gets cut off by someone.
You look up.
"Leave her alone Ralph, she's amazing and wonderful and beautiful and never deserves to be with a piece of trash like you.
It was Gordon.
Your eyes quickly filled with tears. No matter how many times people told you they love you, no one ever made you feel like Gordon did.
"As you can tell she's uncomfortable so I will be taking her with me, thanks." says Gordon.
"Who are you to boss me around?" says Ralph.
"Im her boyfriend."

im so bad at updating this i'll try to update every friday since ive started this months ago and want to finish soon.

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