Chapter 4

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Aurora pov

I was packing my bags... I won't miss it here and maybe it's good to be a only child for awhile... I cleaned my room softly with music on... and I heard a soft knock... "it's mom." I heard her voice and opened the door softly and she walked in and sat on my bed and I softly sat next to her... "I'm sorry for not noticing to how much pain you were going trew... they treated you as if you were nothing.." she said and I burst in tears remembering it... and she hugged me... "I'm so sorry sweetie... I'm bringing you to the airport in 45 minutes and before that we'll go to starbucks..." and I nodded softly "I'm gonna miss you." I said hugging her crying and I could hear her cry... "I'm going to miss you two..." she said softly she kissed my forehead and said "I'll come back in 30" and I nodded and she left my room... a little bit of me is gonna miss it here.... after awhile I was done and putted all my memories under my bed in a box for if I'll ever come back... my mom brought all my luggage to the car and I softly walked down the stairs for the last time... I looked up seeing Addison and Bryce... and they hugged me and Bryce said "are you sure you want to go?" And I nodded positive... "I wanna give you something before you go for awhile... please don't change yourself for anyone and keep this with you it will feel like home believe me.." Addison said softly handing me a gift bag and I smiled and nodded... "I have a question" I said and Bryce laughed and nodded "am I a Canadian now ?" And he laughed "just like josh ur a Canadian now." And I smiled and we all hugged and my mom walked in "aww, we have to go now" she said sad and I nodded and waved to Bryce and Addison and grabbed my backpack and walked out the door...

Bryce pov

When aurora left the house with Amelie... it was time to yell to the others for everything... we walked into the kitchen seeing them all sitting there in silence... when they saw us Richelle said "shit." She was about to stand up and I saiid "sit" and she sat back down and Addison said "I'm so disappointed in all of you, how can you all hit on one person who is even family! You came out of your mother as a team as a quadruple and now look you guys pushed her over the edge and now ur just a pathetic triplet, you guys need to learn to not be so judgmental it will take you nowhere and believe me when I say if your still not gonna change after today 1. You won't be cheercaptain anymore they'll kick you off the team 2. No football star anymore because you probably got into a stupid fight and 3. Someone will break ur heart so bad you'll stop doing what ur doing with ur passion.... you guys all sinked very deep..." Addison said and I said "pathetic, toxic, judgmental, populair, overprotective towards someone y'all don't give zero fucks about! What went trew y'all minds when you said that! I'm serious... Richelle what went trew your mind." I asked and she said softly "I was scared she would be dance captain and I'll would loose my popularity because of how good she is in everything" she said looking at the ground and tears escaped her eyes... "Henry." I said and he said "I was scared she would fall for one of my friends who are jocks and they would fuck her up and leave her..." and I nodded understanding were he was coming from "james" and he just left the room to his room and I sighed... "Madison.." I said and she said "when I got chosen to be in the cheersquad u couldn't miss anything so I needed to ditch aurora for it." And Addison nodded and she said "Brody.." our own adopted son... "what did I do?" He asked and I rolled my eyes "you played with her" Richelle said and he said "how?!" And Henry said "she had a huge crush on you and you went going to Haley and kissed her" and Brody said "I thought she was joking cause she had something with Jeremy!" And it hit me that's all true.. "lol okay now we know everyone's side accept James his side-" and Henry said "james... he just wanted aurora to himself he didn't wanted to loose his closest bestfriend he ever had in the world aurora leaving will hit him so hard he won't ever be the same again." And Addison walked out the room to go and find James...

Aurora pov

We were in the airport and my mom was about to leave she handed me a little box and said "open it when ur at jadens... and please can you give this to him.." and she kissed my head and left softly... and I smiled and texted in the groupschat

The homiess

Step one completed.

I basically needed to act so sad and everything and Addison is searching me gosh we're so good at acting

Were seriously doing all this for mom her happiness

In the end it's worth it

Gosh how did you even faint

Just payed them 50 box to pretend I fainted

Okay this is going way to good but what are the steps again

Step 1: one of them needs to be in Canada to get the plan started there and a few of them in la to get it started there
Step 2: contact amelie and Jaden need to like talk, or call.
Step 3: the time... we won't know how long everything will take
Step 4: the reunion is going to be on thanksgiving, I got a invitation and all I know is that Jaden is going to attend it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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