Mmhm, uh huh

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Dream buttoned up his pale blue shirt that had small patterns spaced throughout and bunched up the sleeves, the light freckles speckles across  his arms and face revealed. Although the freckles were too light to be noticed immediately unless you looked close enough. He wore black jeans and casual shoes, his dark blond hair finally combed after weeks of bedhead.

The outfit casual by all accounts, but for some reason it felt suffocating, maybe it was the constant days of only wearing singlets and jumpers that made  him feel nervous that he was over dressing for only a trip out to go shopping. He needed to head out before his mind made him stay another two hours deciding on something different to wear. He picked up his keys, phone, wallet, the basic necessities for going out, and put them in his pocket. Patches brushed against his leg, Dream pet her head lightly and she let out a soft purr before she went back to the couch to sleep, curled in a small ball.

The stores were busy, people brushed past one another in quick strides, a few lingered in groups walking a lot slower but much louder. Music rang out over the muffled speakers, crating a cacophony of sound as it mingled with the music echoing from the stores. Mannequins stood at the windows, their lifeless faces looking in every direction as the posed with garments draped over them.

The sun shone through the sun roof, Dream walked through the crowd, feeling the heat quickly growing stronger. He glanced around looking for a something that caught his eye, some winter garments had been brought out, coats made out of cotton blends and other thermal wear. Dream stared at some, his hazel eyes imagining the cold weather which would require them. He contemplated the harsh weather these would fit better in, after all, Florida wasn't known for being cold.

"A place that would be considered cold..." he mumbled to himself, "maybe England? George must be experiencing hell right now... wait it wouldn't be hell because it's hot. It's more like being in an arctic tundra?"

Dream laughed to himself, receiving weird glances from those passing by. He continued to walk through the sea of people before pulling out his phone, to both not look like an absolute psychopath and to text his poor friend who was probably rotting under eighteen layers of cloth.

"How's winter over there Gogy"

Dream stopped walking, he briefly looked around before settling down on a bench nearby, waiting for a response as the small bobble popped up quickly.

"I'd be willing to jump in a volcano if someone asked"

Dream quietly wheezed, some of the older people on the bench pretending to not notice, except their eyes seemed to repeatedly glance at him as though he were a mad man.

"Want me to send over some jumpers?"

"I'm already wearing three and it's not helping"
A short pause, "at all"
"I don't think I'll need them if they don't help :/"

"I'll see if there's anything good"

His lips stretched into a small smirk, before he let out a light chuckle.


"I'm just trying to be a GOOD friend and here I am being betrayed"

"You still love me :)"

"Not anymore >:("

Dream couldn't seem to stop smiling while his fingers tapped against the screen. The time had already reached midday and he had ignored his stomach that began to grumble in protest to the wait.

"I need to go"
"I'll talk to you later"

"Have fun"

"I won't but thanks"
"See ya"

The food court was just as packed, actually maybe more than the rest of the shopping centre. Groups sat at tables, some sharing their food as they gossiped, other ate by themselves with bags of shopping at their feet. Dream wandered around, breathing in the smell of fast food and baked goods. He simply settled for a burger, he was also, after all, a basic bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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