Chapter 26

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Hey guys sorry for not updating lately. I've been really busy and stuff!


I miss Melissa. The first person to ever become my friend here just walked out of my life. Who can I tell my guy problems to or my girl problems! I can't tell Alex...he's a boy and wouldn't understand. The love I had for Melissa was out of this world. She was my first friend and my mates sister!! Now she's gone...

Nobody knows how I feel and Alex is just blowing it off! That was his sister and she's gone...I know he's hurting. She was the life of the party! The one who kept everyone sane and now she isn't here. I feel as if this is Alex's way of dealing with things. What really was hurting was how small this world is. What I can't understand is why I as a human only attract werewolves.

I mean come on. That doesn't make any sense.

I went to the bathroom and looked at my little stomach. I smiled with pure joy as a little bump was starting to form.

This is my baby.

I mean Alex and I's baby. This is what I wanted. It's what almost every girl wants. I rubbed my stomach a little longer before I hear a little boys voice calling for me.

"Mom I was wondering if I could go to a friends place to play some video games." Roman asked.

"Why can't you play outside instead of ruining your eyes with worthless media crap."

"Can I outside save the world from a zombie apocalypse?"

"Well no but y-"

"Point proven. Can I go?"

"Fine. Be back at 8."

"Thanks mom."

Boys. I will never understand them. They say girls are hard but I feel like they are even more complicated!

I decided to take a shower and relax a bit. Maybe I should take a bath! Actually I might use my pink bath bomb tonight. I started my bath and threw the bath bomb in. The smell was euphoric and the bubbling was fun to watch. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror before undressing myself.

Before stepping in I couldn't help but notice how old I looked. Much more mature. I look like a woman and out of the awkward teenage to adult age. I'm going to be a mother of two. I'm in love with the sexist man alive. My life is golden.


What a wonderful word isn't it? Seems so beautiful. I can think of many things life jewelry, golden roads and gold blocks. I never would of thought that golden would mean being married to a werewolf and having two children already in my young age.

But I would never trade it for the world.

I put my hair in a lazy bun and stepped in the bathtub letting the water consume me. I had soft relaxing music in the background and candles around me. This. Was. Heaven.

I started to think of my mother. How is she feeling. Maybe I should set up a lunch date with her and get closer to her even more.

I even thought about Melissa and noticed that I was crying. Not a full on sob but one of those cries where you can't make a noise and tears just fall down your face. I thought about the first time I met her. She was so beautiful and we instantly made a connection. Going to school with her was the best time of my life. Graduating with her by my side made me feel invincible and thought we would be best friends forever. The thought was quickly cut short by a knock on the bathroom door.

"Daisy baby? Are you in there?" I heard my husbands voice from the other side. "Yes Alex I'm taking a bath." I tried to hide the sadness in my voice but Alex knew me best. "Baby come open the door and let's talk."

When I grabbed a towel I noticed  how cold it was. I unlocked the door and quickly got in the bath again. Alex opened the door and smiled at me. God his makes me melt. I am so in love with this man and it hurts I love him so much.

"Hey you mind if I join you? I could use a girly bath." I gave him a funny glare before nodding yes.

He took off his shirt and I took this time to study him. His chiseled body could make any girl weak in the knees.

Next his jeans. His muscular legs were tan and long. They were beautiful in my eyes.

His hair was its usual messy look that I absolutely love. His eyes were glowing and bright. His jaw was perfect.

He took off the rest of his clothes and I couldn't help but blush. I sat up a bit in the tub and let him sit behind me before leaning back into his strong body.

He first grabbed my arms with his and went straight to my baby bump. He kissed the back of my neck. He placed his hands on the bump and chuckled in delight.

"That's my baby in there. My flesh and blood."

I laughed a bit and grabbed his strong arms and kissed them. How did I get so lucky. He's amazing.

I sat up and turned around and looked in his eyes.

"I love you Alex...more than life itself." The last part was more like a whisper before leaning in slowly and kissing him. It meant to be a small peck but Alex pushed me back so I was on my knees and he grabbed my face between his hands and kissed me with all his love.

I lifted my hands up to his and held them there. He started rubbing my cheek with his thumb and put his forehead against mine. The steam from the water was making me sweat and the same with Alex.

"Daisy the love I have for you can not be compared to anything in this universe. You are my world, my rock, my everything. I love you sweetheart. I'm so glad you're mine again."

With that I turned back around and laid in his arms again. I closed my eyes. A smile was on my face.

My life was perfect and I don't want anything to change. I couldn't imagine a life better than this.

My life, it was...



Okay so let's not hate me! I really want to start writing again and I can't wait! I'll try my hardest to update every week as long as you guys promise to keep reading!

Thank you guys for your love and support!

Don't forget to like and comment!

God bless!

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