Finding Violet

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I'm soooo sorry! You guys must hate me I promised to update before thanksgiving and things got so hectic and then my paper wasn't good enough so I had to redo it and I had work and class and my family wanted me to do things with them and my aunt came down from Idaho. Anyways I'm back and I will try to update a lot more! Also I'm sorry it's so short I will update again soon with a way longer chapter.
The next morning Kevin, Joe and I head to the studio while dani and violet go out for their girl time. We are all having a blast in the studio when my cell rings and its dani.
Nick: Hey dani is everything ok?
Dani: Not really we were shopping at the mall and the paparazzi found us and started getting in our faces they started questioning violet on school and now she has hidden somewhere in the store and I can't find her.
Nick: Ok we are on our way
Kevin: What's wrong?
Nick: I'll explain on the way
Kevin: No you'll explain now
Nick: Ok fine Dani said....
(Dani's POV)
Nick: Dani said they were shopping and the paparazzi found them and started asking violet questions about school.. Violet got scared and hide and Dani can't find her.
Kevin: We need to go then
Joe: Told you it wasn't a good idea
Kevin: Yeah we know joe
Nick: At least it wasn't for the reason you thought though
I have been searching for violet for almost an hour now.. Where are they? Geez how long does it take them to get from the studio to the mall?
Joe: Dani!
Me: Finally took you guys long enough.. I still can't find her please help
Kevin: Alright dani and i will check all her favorite stores.. Nick check the food court and bathrooms and joe you check all the other stores
Kevin and I have searched all her favorite stores and no sign of her anywhere.
( Joe's POV)
I have searched every store and she is nowhere to be found I wonder if any of the others have had any luck.
(Nick's POV)
I went to all the bathrooms and had someone check for me she wasn't in any
of them so as I'm headed to the food court I see joe headed into sears and I ask him if he's had any luck which he says no to I get to the food court and I see her sitting at a table crying.
Me: Violet! Thank the stars your ok
I put my arms around her while giving her a big hug and then kiss her forehead
Violet: Nicky I'm sorry I'm sooo sorry
Me: It's ok I'm just glad your safe
Me: I gonna call everyone and let them know I found you
I call the others and tell them where we are.. I still have my arms around her when I see them running to us.
Joe: Violet I'm so glad your ok
He says as he hugs her
Kevin: I was so worried I'm just glad your safe.
Dani: Violet where have you been? You know what it doesn't matter. At least your with us now. (Hugs her)
Violet: I'm sorry dani.. I just freaked out and tried to hide inside hot topic but they followed me so I ran into the food court and hid until they gave up and then just sat here.
Dani: Well your ok and safe and that's all that matters.. Lets go home.
Kevin: We will talk more when we get home
After what felt like hours but in reality was only about 10 minutes we arrive home. We all get out of the car and head inside when I look at violet and notice she's got tears streaming down her face. So I grab her arm and turn her to face me.
Me: Hey baby girl it's ok
Violet: I'm in so much trouble..... Kevin's really mad.
Me: What? Where did you get that from? He's not mad.
Violet: He was the only one who didn't hug me after you found me.
Me: That doesn't mean he's mad at you or that your in trouble sweetie
Violet: What does it mean then?
Me: I'm not sure lets go ask him
I put my arm over her shoulder and we walk into the kitchen where Kevin is talking to dani and joe.
Me: Hey kev can we talk to you for a sec?
Kevin: Yeah of course.. What's up?
Me: Are you mad at violet?
Kevin: Noooo why should I be?
Violet: No
Me: No you shouldn't but then why didn't you hug her at the mall after I found her?
Kevin: Oh I guess I just didn't think to... Wait baby girl did you think I was mad at you because I didn't hug you?
Violet: Yeah... I'm sorry
Me: She also thinks she's in trouble
Kevin: Hey don't be sorry and I'm not mad sweetie I was just worried and not thinking. I'm not mad and your not in trouble you didn't do anything wrong. I just think that we need to talk about what to do next time they bother you.
Me: we should have everyone in here for this
Kevin: Good point... Dani.. Joe can you come in here please?
D&J: What's up?
Me: We need to talk about what to do when paparazzi get in your face.
Joe: Why do I have to talk about it? I already know what to do. Just tell them I had a imaginary friend, His name was Joe and He'd always get me in trouble
Kevin: Dude noooo
Me: uh noo actually you be polite and keep walking
Kevin: Yes and thank you nick.. Any questions?
Joe: Yeah can I go back to.. Fine take your banana!
Me: Joe you need help.. Me and violet are going to the music room
Kevin: Dani did you want to go see a movie?
Dani: Sounds good let me go change
Joe: Well I will just go play with a toaster...
Again I'm soooo sorry but the good news is that I don't have school again until February so ill have more time to update thank you to all my readers and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also I wanted to hake a moment to say my heart goes out to all the families and children of the Connecticut Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. I am deeply saddened by this tragedy It is heartbreaking and saddening. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you and I'm sorry for your loss.

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