Chapter 33

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--No One's Pov--

While Akashi was busy, Murasakibara and Kagami felt something. Some shadow in the woods run to a different path, wearing a hoodie..he was Nash Golden Jr. He smirk. No one notices him in the woods. But Murasakibara was gonna check, it was cut off when Kagami called him when the Emperor is calling them.

Murasakibara clicked his tounge..


While Nash smirk and goes to the Rakuzan Kingdom, he used the short path in the forest. Nash had a smirk on his face.. 'This is gonna be fun..' he thought himself that he has a smirk on the lips. But he wonders that why only two knights come with the Emperor and that is, Muradakibara Atsushi and Kagami Taiga.

They are the only one who came with the Emperor. He gritted his teeth that he sense something bad will happened to the both of them, Akashi and Hanamiya. Nash knew Hanamiya is a smart guy, but he also knew that his fighting with the Emperor. He always wonders who will win, since they plan something to Kill the Emperor. Nash wants to kill the Emperor..



"I will be the one who will kill the Emperor, Nash" Hanamiya smirk.. "Why you? I already said I can--" He cut him off.. "Can you really kill the Emperor..? How can you kill him that he has a multiple talents? You need to used brain before you kill the King" Hanamiya explained. Nash just gritted his teeth.."And we will now change the plan"..Hanamiya stated.. that Nash asked.. "What plan?"

"Burn the Rakuzan Kingdom to Hell.. while I kill the Emperor, It's easy" Hanamiya smirk..

"Fine... " Nash had to agreed with him, he knew that Hanamiya will destroy that rich Kingdom. As for Hanamiya, want's to kill the Emperor himself.. to make his own throne and be the Emperor.  But that would never happened, since he change the plan with Nash, Nash agreed to Hanamiya and exchange their places.


Nash clicked his tounge.. 'If he die.. it's not my fault..' Nash smirk.. he doesn't care if he dies, as long he takes the place. They are five of them, Nash's powerful knight's. They split up in a minute. Since Nash will burn the Rakuzan Kingdom, he has a plan how will he burn it.

He had a woodie, he need to spy that where is the Emperor's weakness. He needs to go inside the castle.

He arrived at the Rakuzan Kingdom, he was wearing a hoodie old coat, so no one recognize him. Even the Knight's split up, he goes to the castle without noticing, but he was stunned at the two knights, he know them.. Kise Ryouta and Aomine Daiki, one of the strongest knights. He knew someone is missing..

He goes inside the castle at the back, but nefore he go in, he killed the two normal knights. Kise and Aomine didn't saw him. Since he slip off. "Such a big castle.." he muttered himself, then he heard a crashed. The Kingdom was being attacked.. he saw many knight's clashed together.

He smirk.. 'So this is his distract them Eh..?' He thought himself with a smirk on his lips. He saw how many maids panick. He fastly goes on to the hallway, he look at the king's door, he was gonna opened it when he heard something inside..

"You should rest Kuroko.. " he heard a voice.. and another one.. "Yes, Midorima Kun, when will Akashi Kun Return??" He asked back..that Midorima sudden spoke.. "Kuroko, hard to tell but you need to rest... mostly, you can't smell the smoke that it will affect your lungs, you should stay away from other dangerous that might Affect you. You have a time Kuroko" when Midorina spoke that..which make Nash smirk..

'Is this what the rumours spread about a pet thing.. is this the Emperor's weakness? Most of all..he had a disease..or should I say illness..'  Nash smirk. It would be easy for him to kill this boy. 'I'll let you go this time... but not too long' Nash grinned more. He slowly walk off and hide behind the wall, so Midorima can't see him. Midorima gritted his teeth that Kuroko has a time as well.. since his heart disease and mostly of all he was worried. He need to start making medicine.

Midorima walk off in the room.. he still has many time but if something affect the bluenette is possible that the bluenette's disease is gonna be more intense. Midorima knew his disease. But for now he will focused to the medicine.


Back to Nash, who smirk.. he goes down to the fourth floor, he will have the bluenette soon enough. But for now, he sneak in to the bluenette's room and saw a woman in the picture.. "This seems his mother.." Nash smirk and let go o the picture that it falls down the floor.

He step on it and clicked his tounge.. 'They will be together soon enough' He smirk again, he couldn't erase his smirk on his lips. Since he was happy to burn.. this castle. He looked at the window, that the Kingdom is crashing..burning, he saw Kise and Aomine kill so many knights so fastly.

He clicked his tounge of how strong they are. 'This seems to be a trouble..' he thought himself.

He checked the other rooms even the maids room.. the maids shouted "WHO ARE--" she was cut off, being stab by Nash, while Moimoi saw it that her eye's widened. He shook in fear, he need Aomine and Kise to help her, but since they are busy, she can't call them that easily.

When she turn back again.. she saw the maid's are already dead even the butler's. She don't know what to do.. she just run fast as she could.. tear's down on her cheek.. she was so afraid. She tried to find Midorima but all she can see is a empty hallway with many dead maid's. Moimoi has no choice but to go outside the castle and run up to the gate.. her breath was so hard, it was shaken in fear.

Nash smirk... he want's to go after her but two or three Knight's of men approach her. She told everything she could, that they go inside the castle. He clicked his tounge.. but since, 5 Men's suddenly goes inside the castle. It was his comrade. Nash smirk they knew what will they do to those men's.

They will kill them.


Aomine shouted.. "This way!!" Many knights help them and yet, some men crashed to him with a sword. Aomine and Kise gritted their teeth as they thought themselves.. 'What is Going on!!' Aomine who killed many people, whe Kise as well.

Kise's eye's widened when he saw a men, smirking at them. "Kurokocchi...OH NO! AOMINECCHI KUROKOCCHI IS IN TROUBLE!!" Kise shouted.. "What!!!" Aomine shouted.. "Somone goes inside the castle..But not one.. they are six of them!! Midorimacchi can't handle them all!!" Kise shouted, he was full of worried of what will happen to Kuroko.

Aomine who tried to move them away, but he was being blocked off by the enemies. He killed them... but yet, many knight's appear.. that both Knight's clashed eachother. Many people or children died, other's tried to run away.
Aomine clicked his tounge and thought himself.. 'DAMN IT!!!'


Back to Nash.. that the 5 of the black Knight's kicked the door that where Midorima was in.. Midorima's eye's widened. "What the--" he was cut off by a sword.. he blocked it with his sword.
Midorima was shocked by a sudden attack.

'What is going on!!!' He greeted his teeth. They start to move to attack the green headed knight, Midorima can only dodge, but one knight stab his arms, he shouted in pain. He force himseld to stab them fastly by swaying his sword to cut the two mens off. He hold one of his arm that it's bleeding.  'Kuroko..just wait.. I'm coming' while he greeted his teeth. He was still not finished the medicine that Kuroko might out of time because of his large disease.


Nash smirk..when he opened the King's door.. holding something, that make Kuroko's eye's widened and yet he felt fear..

"Why Hello their....

Let's have a talk..Shall We..?"

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