Chapter 1 introduction

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Shakes POV

Goal!!!!! We won against Grim at the semi-finals. Me and the guys were celebrating our victory at the hotel, we were kind of thinking of a victory party were we invite a lot of fans and friends but coach can be more of a.......
how can i put it? A strict and hard headed like parent. So we decided to save the party for later when we go back to Strikaland next week when we defeat Invisible United once and for all.

I was really looking forward for the competitio- i mean friendly match against Invisible United and I was really looking forward in crushing ( FYI as in destroy and beating )  Skkara at the match and most of all winning that super league trophi!!

But I am super looking forward for no a longer sharing rooms with anyone. I mean Oh come on!! Do you know how hard it can be to share a room with someone?? The lack of personal space, we all experienced it but having someone to talk too every time can be cool and amazing when you get use to it which i did but i still want some space from time to time.

My life was perfect ever since i became part of the team that's kind of like being  family. Having people i can talk too and trust. We tell each other anything even personal things, as guys but it depends on how much we trust one another.

I do tell my teammates something's about my personal life, but never told them about my greatest and shameful secret that i never told anyone about, including my parents and my best friend S'penza (is that how you spell it?).

I always wished that i told my parent ever since i was 12 years old when found out that i was gay.  Every day and night i kept asking myself what they would think of me, would they accept me or just treat me ever so differently.

Few years went by i started regretting keeping it from them, it got worst when my mom died from a car accident when I was 16. The doctor told dad that she had a broken skull and ribs and the arms,legs and neck and that she lost pretty much a lot blood. I stayed at home cause my dad didn't think i would handle seeing her at that state. I cried and cried knowing that i kept the most important part of my life and that i never told her about it.

My dad looked after me for some few years. He tried to make me happy all the time, on my 18 birthday i asked him not to go overboard with the party that he wanted to arranged. Surprising he didn't  which was fantastic until i got a football scholarship i was so ecstatic cause my dream of becoming a super league soccer player was coming true and my dad was so proud of me and i knew that my mom was also proud of me.

My dad mysteriously vanished one day and no one knew were he disappeared too. My uncle informed me that he was away for work for a long g and that I should focus on my dream more. 

I'm now part of  Super  Strikas, with friends that i know that has each others backs. I may come with theories the other teams that they not believe me on but I'm always correct and they apologise eventually and we always win a match well sometimes.

Sorry about the sad story but i hope you liked it. I told you that this version will not be the same as the first one. I think I'll skip the finals match.

From being: Nomvuyo13
To becoming: Smilebug13


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