Running Home To You...

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I didn't know what to do or say as I stayed curled up on the couch, a tub of ice cream and a spoon on the coffee table. Tears leaked from my eyes as I craved the warmth of Lena. I just wanted Lena.

She was my home, she really was. Without her... who would I be right now? She was the reason I wanted to become a reporter, she was the reason I was capable of quitting my drinking, she was one of the main reasons I wanted to live.

I wanted to text her, I wanted to call her, I wanted to go see her at her old penthouse, or even give her a visit to fix things at her office. I wanted her. No, I craved her. I craved her love, I craved to hear her words, I craved her feel her warmth, and I craved her kisses so badly.

All I wanted was her, and she still left me. I could see her logic; she's always thinking about the negative half of things.

She believes that I'm perfect for her, yet so bad for her, considering my double life. I was Kara Danvers, but then I was Supergirl. Supergirl, who is a main target to organizations such as CADMUS and a newly discovered organization named the 'Children of Liberty'. 

I wasn't able to take out my frustrations as Supergirl, fighting crime. No. That possibility of release was taken away as soon as I made contact with Red Kryptonite yesterday. I couldn't bring myself to go into Catco, nor did I have the approval and permission to go into the building. The DEO forbid me from entering until they had guaranteed that there were no traces of Red Kryptonite left in the building. 

Glancing at the liquor cabinet, where I stored a bottle of alienized alcohol, I shook my head. I was going to stay strong. I couldn't give in, not this soon.

There was a knock at the door, and I used my x-ray vision to check who it is. On the opposite side of the door stood a woman, her height rising to 5'7, her hair brunette. It was Alex. In her arms, she carried a box of pizza and a bag with potstickers. I stood up, sluggishly trudging to the door while my hand was wiping tears away.

I pulled the door open, and Alex sighed, setting the food down on the coffee table quickly before wrapping me in a warm hug. I didn't care as I sobbed into her shoulder, my chest heavy with pain. 

My sister sighed, whispering, "It's alright, I've got you, sweetie," as she rubbed small circles into my back until my sobs subsided to small sniffles here and there. 

My shoulders were still shaking as I croaked, "She left... I didn't even get to tell her that I'm in love with her," Alex nodded, pulling me into another hug on the couch once more.

Pulling away for a slight second, she asked me, "Kar, can you answer a question for me?" I nodded. "Have you consumed alcohol?" I shook my head.

She smiled at me proudly before speaking, "I'm proud of you, kiddo," I paused for a second. Maybe Alex knew something about Lena... I mean, I hoped.

"Do you- have you heard anything about Lena?" She shook her head, sighing. Tears were still flowing, but only occasional tears. Alex laughed.

"Kara- you've got ice cream on your cheek- no, the other-" she groaned in frustration as I tried wiping whatever 'ice cream' was on my face. Giving up on trying to get me to get it off my face, she grabbed a napkin and attempted wiping it off my face. I avoided it as she licked the napkin. Gross.

She rolled her eyes, "Kara. You've got... ice cream on your-" 

"Alex, just-" I whined as she kept attempting to wipe it off my face.

"No. Come. Here," she ordered through gritted teeth. I shook my head persistently.

"Kara! You are 25, not five. Come here," she lectured as she still worked an attempt to wipe the ice cream off my face. 

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