Standing Up For Her

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"Aurora, I didn't know you were coming down to the beach today!" Jodie said as she walked over to stand directly underneath where Owen and I were leaning on the railing above her on the deck of the lifeguard tower.

"Aurora, I didn't know you were coming down to the beach today!" Jodie said as she walked over to stand directly underneath where Owen and I were leaning on the railing above her on the deck of the lifeguard tower

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She was smirking at me, obviously noting mine and Owen's close proximity to one another.

You can't get anything past this girl, believe me, I've tried.

"Um, I wasn't but then things kind of changed," I said.

"Oh, and how so?" She asked, fishing for more information which didn't go unnoticed by Owen who moved his arm up to wrap around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him and giving Jodie the answer she was looking for without having to actually say anything, making her grin widely before squealing happily as she did a little happy dance. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm so happy you finally confessed your feelings to him!"

"Me too," Owen said quietly as he rested his head atop mine, moving his head slightly to press a kiss to the top of my head and making me melt further into his embrace.

I heard a few girls nearby saying some not so nice things about me which quickly drew my attention.

"What a slut," a raven-haired girl in a skimpy bikini said.

"I know. I don't know why Owen would want to be seen with her," a chestnut-haired girl scoffed.

"Yeah, I know, right? So desperate, and I mean, look at her she's not even pretty!" A blonde-haired girl said.

"She looks like she could be his sister!" The raven-haired girl said.

"I was thinking more like his daughter!" The blonde-haired girl said.

"Right?! Like, look at that stupid ugly baby face!" The chestnut-haired girl exclaimed.

Okay, ouch. That stuff they were saying stung. I knew I looked young when compared to Owen but like his daughter? That wasn't a good feeling.

I was drug from my thoughts by Owen calling out to the three, not very nice, beach girls.

"I would appreciate it if you three would stop degrading my girlfriend. She may be younger than me, but I don't care about that, and she doesn't care that I'm older than her. I like her because she's beautiful, smart, sweet, and shy at first but then opens her heart once she gets to know you better. If anything, you three could learn a few things from her on how to be a lady," he said it so nonchalantly and like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He had barely even glanced at them when he had said that since his eyes were focused on looking for trouble out on the water still.

He was so sweet and it made me like him even more.

Actually, at this point I was way past the 'crushing' and 'just liking' phase. I'm falling hard and fast for him, and I don't want to stop.

The three girls just stared at him in shock, not having expected for him to have heard what they said, much less tell them off - albeit nicely, but he still told them off - and they quickly scurried off.

"Ooh! I hate girls like them! They put down other girls because they have something they can't have and by talking crap about them, it makes them feel better about themselves!" Jodie growled as she stomped her foot as she watched the three girls atill scampering off.

"Don't listen to them. I agree with your friend."

I looked at Owen who was looking at me with slight concern in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't. What they said did hurt, but I won't dwell on it," I said with a shrug.

"Good," Owen grinned.

"Atta girl!"

Owen and I laughed at Jodie who was beaming down below.

"Do you mind if I go talk to Jodie for a little?" I asked him.

"Of course I don't mind! You don't need to ask my permission, Aurora!" He said sounding shocked.

"Okay, I just didn't want you to think I was running off. "

"Even if you were, I would've chased you down. I just got you, and I don't plan on letting you go easily or even at all!"

"Glad to hear it."

He smiled and leaned in and pecked my cheek, making me blush red before I turned and walked down the ramp and met Jodie down below, looking up at Owen who was already watching me with a smile.

"We're going to go for a walk along the beach, we'll be back," I called up to him.

"Okay, be careful and watch for jellyfish!" He called back, making me and Jodie laugh as he smiled at me widely.

"I may just push her into one just to see you come to her rescue, again!" Jodie said.

"No, you're not! That hurt! If I see one I'm coming right back here because they are stinging devils!" I said while looking at her like she was crazy.

"No endangering my girlfriend, please!" Owen chuckled.

"Okay okay, I won't! Bye!" ANd then Jodie grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the cars.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Giving you a swimsuit to change into."


"Um, because we're on a beach and you need to wear one when you go to the beach!" She said in a 'duh' tone.

"No, you don't. What are you up to?"

"Oh for the love of all things holy! Just put it on and don't question it anymore!"

I laughed but took the swimsuit and headed to a nearby restaurant where I changed into the suit in the bathroom before coming back out and raising an eyebrow at her.

"Why do you even have this? This would never fit you. It barely even fits me," I asked her to which she grinned like the Cheshire cat.

"I bought it for you because I thought you'd look great in it, and I was right!" SHe said happily.

"I bought it for you because I thought you'd look great in it, and I was right!" SHe said happily

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I did look good in it, but it was something I never thought I'd ever wear.

"Okay fine, let's go for this walk because I know you have questions," I said.

"Oh, you have no idea."

I put my clothes in her car and then we headed back to the beach, walking so that the water just lapped at our toes.

"Okay so, girlfriend?! When were you planning on telling me that you landed your hot lifeguard?!"

And so the endless questions began, with me answering each of them as we went.

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