The Plan

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Tom put his plan together, first he was going to befriend star completely.

He knew that she was okay with him now, but he also knew that deep down she was still fucking pissed at him about cheeting on her, WITH A Dude.

Tom was really excited about his plan, which mostly consisted of him getting really close to Marco.

He dialed stars number on his phone.
star, h-hey hey he said nervously, wanna like hang out today?. He waited nervously for her answer, yeah sure she responded, sounding really dull.

Then she ask excitedly, hey can I bring Marco, joy now filled her voice. Yeah yeah sure Tom said trying to sound calm, (but was screaming with joy inside,)his plan was working.

MARCOOOOOOOOO WE'RE GOING OUT GET DRESSED!, Tom could hear star scream through the phone, he decide to end the call there.

-1 hour later-

Tom figured he'd take them to a party he was invited to a while back, but didn't really want to go, he never really interacted with people alot after what happened with Gabe.

He knew his parents wanted him to go out more and make friends, but he didnt give fuck, he didn't need friends, besides he was happy with staying alone in his room all day.

That way he couldn't hear voices in his head as much, that way no one would see him having a panic attack again, no one would see his weak side that he stopped showing a while ago, that way no one would see him crumble to the ground and break, that way no one would take advantage of his heart or him ever again.

Lost in his thoughts he never realized the portal in the middle of his room.
TOM!, Star yelled, "Come on let's go to that party". Tom walked through the portal to be greeted by a blushing brunette. H-hey Tom, Marco said. Why was he blushing and stuttering.

Tom said hey, Uhmmm Marco right. Star and marco looked at Tom confused.

That's when they realized that they haven't actually got introduced properly. Star continued by pushing Marco in front of Tom (a little to close)
Go on Marco shake Tom's hand and properly introduce yourself.

-Marcos pov-
(in Marcos mind) Star Butterfly what the fuck are you doing, I already look as red as Tom's hair-hmmm Tom's hair actually looks really soft I wonder if he'd let me tou- no no diaz stop your mad at star now, ahhhhhhhow could she just  decide to push me right up against him like that.

At this point his hand isn't gonna be the only thing he shakes(that thought made Marco blush even more now), ahhhhhhh diaz shut up!! Before you turn into a tamatoe.

-Tom's pov-
Hmmmm he's been staring at the floor for a while, wonder what hes thinking. His so short compared to me , Tom can't help but giggle at Marcos cute face when he finally decides to look up. Tom then leans in even closer to the boy, and says with a smirk on his face in a whisper, nice to meet you Marco diaz.

The boys voice sent shivers down Marcos spine, but he liked it. He gave Tom a weak smile, as he met Tom's eyes.

They stood there staring  at each as if the whole world had disappeared, but that amazing feeling soon disappeared when star decided to pull Marco by the collar, glaring at Tom in the process.

Let's go already, I said introduce yourselfr not fall in love with him Marco Jesus, just open the portal so we can go,star practically yelled.
She could feel her blood boil with jealousy, why did they stare at each other like that?

Was Marco falling in love with tom,was Tom turning Marco gay too. why did Tom have to take away her happiness every time he came into her life, why did he have to be such a fuck up , he's ruining everything tonight after the party I'm telling him to back the fuck off she mumbled to herself.

Star was behind the now  laughing boys, so they never heard her cruel comments.

-at the party-
(No one pov)
The party was crowded with monsters and mewmans, star was surprised to see them all get along without fighting.

When she turned to the boys she saw them talking to a group of people laughing... Again what's so fucking funny, she thought.

She just wanted to feel at ease and what could help more then a nice cold beer, star has never tasted beer before, but she's had alcohol at some weddings before so the alcohol didn't really faze her that much.

Two hours pass by and star was drunk, she'd only had 3 beers how was she drunk. Mraco saw a girl dancing on a table in the corner of his eye, he notices who it is. STAR!, get down from there Marco yells. Star stumbles over some bottles, but as she's about to fall Tom catches her.

-Marco pov-
Wow Tom and I have alot in common.
We hit it off right away, he's really funny too. All night we stayed together talking to some people, but mostly spoke alone about everything and nothing.

He was really calm and kind, Marco didn't understand why star made him sound so evil.

I was listening to one of the monsters tell a very boring story about how he lost his stupid sock, when i sees a blond dancing on a table, at first I laugh it off. Then I realize it was star, Tom seemed to notice too, because he ran towards her catching her just as she was about to fall off the table.

Marco runs to Tom, is she okay he asks Tom with a worried voice. She's going to be fine, but I think we should take her home, Tom replied.

They open the portal straight to stars bedroom and place her in it. They walk over to her belcony and stand there staring at the stars in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence it, it was nice and peaceful.

Tom soon broke the silence, I guess I should get going he says.

Wait Uhmmm Tom do you wanna maybe watch like a movie before you leave, I mean like if you want, we don't like have to, I-if like you don't want to, I mean you look tired, are you tired you should probably sleep right Marcos starts to babble on.

Tom puts his hand on Marcos shoulder, stopping the boy from saying another word, I'd love to Tom replies. Marco gives him a big smile.
Too cute, Tom looks away and blushes.

The boys fall asleep during the movie with Marcos head resting gently on Toms shoulder, holding his waist.
They didn't wake up until later in the morning...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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