Talk number 2

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~ Mairi do you think it could ever seriously happen like we know all the tea from when it was mattias birthday party and I still think personally some stuff went down but you know that's me, we know that mattia and kairi are very close friends and we also know that mattia and vic are together rn but I'm talking about in the future could Mairi be real because we haven't gotten it recently but that's because mattia has been with vic but what's going to happen if something happens between them and they break up.... Another personal thing is I think mattia is bi same with kairi I've always had the thought they just kind of give off that vibe and not even from the Mairi they had given us

So what do you all think do you think it could happen in the future do you think Mairi could be a couple?

(Again down in the comments I want to hear all your opinions)

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