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"You have to focus..."

"You're loosing yourself and you don't even know it..."

"Please...Come back"

The first time you had seen your quirk you didn't know how to handle it. It was a cool quirk...some admired you for it. You hated it. It always ended up hurting the ones you loved the most and You yourself. Multiple times you'd loose control over the one thing that you were supposed to be proud of.

Over the years you'd try so hard to be good at what you do. You'd try and be a
hero like everyone else. Though you definitely would be different...
Something way different.

You went to great schools excelling at almost the top of your classes with a bit of friendly rivalry with classmates and friend alike. U.A accepted you and you even competed in the Schools Festival. Met plenty of heroes and All might too. He was of no interest to you though.

"Hey, call me when you get there, I just want you to be safe okay?"
You nodded kind of sad to say goodbye. It's been a month since you graduated from Your pro hero training camp ready to be on the battle field. First, you had to get an apartment.
You weren't necessarily excited but you were glad to get your own place. It was a milestone for you. The long awaited adult hood! Your mom said you should try and stay a kid as long as you can though because being adult sometimes really just lunches you in the face. And you believed her of course.
"Hey don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone. I don't need to hear about you setting your school on fire okay!"
"Look it was an accident okay!" Your little sister replied. Both of you were practically inseparable. You both had been through thick and thin getting in and out of trouble together.

Goodbyes were not a struggle for you...but this one made you shed a tear.

The apartment was really nice! It wasn't to big or small and the rent wasn't that high. You had so many plans for decaration though-

"A couch here...... a table there...lots of pillows....would some lights look cool there?"
Walking around your new home more and more ideas came into your head with so many possibilities. Though you still had to get all your stuff out the car though.
Coming in with the last box you saw one of your neighbors. She looked about a little older than you and had a cat in her arms. You decided to meet her later suspecting you'd see her again.


It was the next day. You mostly unpacked with half open boxes and scattered things like your stuffed toy that you just tripped over.
"It's too early for this"
You sighed annoyed at what you had set upon yourself. Quickly getting something to eat and taking a good shower did leave you time to watch some T.V. Though not a lot of time. You did have a job to get to after all. Actually what time is it....


It's 8:10 and you gotta be there at 8:30 and it takes l0 minutes to get there soo HURRY UP!

Well you just made it by like 2 minutes. You the back rooms to grab your apron and hat and say hi to some of your coworkers. You guys had a pretty good friendship but only at work. Then started your work day with a bagel. It was really good actually so you got two. Starting your shift you did get bored sometimes. Getting a couple numbers and even flirted with it was annoying at times. You weren't really into the relationship ship thing. You'd probably hurt them if you did get into one anyways....

Besides the point, multiple coffees later(did I mention you work at a coffee shop...:/)Something was off. It was just the vibe of the room that made you unsteady. Then suddenly you smelt smoke and something blew up. Then you looked to the front door and people were running. Meaning some Villain had struck again. These attacks were getting more and more recent. People in the shop decided to hide under tables or run out. Some were still in shock.

You having proper hero training decided to take a look outside to see how close it was. Looked about 4 or 3 blocks away. That was pretty close.

"I know some of you might be scared but I need you to head into the back where the employees room is and go out the back door! It's on the left."
Everyone rushed to the back while you took a step outside just to make sure nothing was coming to close to the shop.
To you surprised It seemed like the fight was coming your way which was bad really bad. Some heroes had already started taking care of the situation but it seemed like the villains had a different plan.
It was all so sudden but you quickly recovered. A hero well Mt.Lady had gotten pushed back by what looked to be a... dinosaur? They were wrestling back and forth but it seemed to only be a distraction from the real fight. A person in a blue suit looked like he was running for his life. He took one look at you and started heading for you like a raging Bull.

He quickly out you in a choke hold and had wad looked to be glass as his hand in seconds. The heroes that were chasing him quickly stopped and looked pissed beyond belief. You don't blame them. Resorting to really cheap and overused tactics. Pathetic.

" Let me leave and the girl lives"
His voice was shaky and his body was also shaking. He was scared out of his mind. The glass came closer to your throat just enough to sting.
"You know this is a very pathetic tactic"
You said.
The heroes stood there for a good 3 second before you decided to take this into your own hands.
You took the collar of his suit and took his wrist away from your throat and threw him on to the ground. They landed with a hard thud and a gasp for air. You then blew smoke at his face to reduce his vision. You backed away to put some space between you and them. Getting ready to fight.
"I have a license don't worry."
"Good because we need the help"
They seemed a little desperate.
You did not expect fight again until you'd signed up with a company but I guess this was an exception...

Rumi Usagiyama x F!reader :)Where stories live. Discover now