A Mighty Surprise

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All character rights go to JK Rowling

I said Accio rights to the characters with my Beachwood wand, nothing happened so never the less it isn't mine, sadly.

|Hermione POV|

"Ginny hurry up, we are about to be late for our train!"

I can not believe we almost missed our final train to Hogwarts because of her. 

"Great now we need to find a compartment."

Luckily we found one at last. I got slid into a chair tried to talk to Ron and Harry, but they were talking quidditch of course. I looked at Luna or Ginny, but there was no hope there. Luna was reading The Quibbler, and Ginny was just looking through her hexing book to see if there was any more to learn. So I just open my copy of Hogwarts, A History and started to read.

A couple hours later Ron suggest for us to play a game. Of course he had chosen Truth or Dare. 

"Ron that is so immature! I'm not playing that game!"

"Fine be a non-fun person and just being boring like usual." I gave a look that resembled Mrs.Weasley that it was almost scary. 

"Alright fine!! I'll show you I can be fun. The next guy that walks through this hallway, I will make out with, then will you leave me alone?"

"Uh yea I guess."

"I don't think thats a very good idea Hermione." Ginny said this while pointing out the sliding door. 

Uh oh, I wasn't expecting a guy so soon.

I open the door and drag the random guy into the compartment with us. The door gets closed and I throw him against the wall.

"What the hell Granger!"

I took no notice of who it was, that was the biggest mistake I feel like I have made in a long time.

Before he could continue, my mouth crashed into his. Our lips fit well together, it felt so wrong yet right. He lick my bottom lip as if granting entrance to my mouth, I gave it to him. His tongue  explored my mouth for a full ten seconds before we broke apart. 

I had started to blush a lot, I know that I did not like him at all though so it didn't matter to me, or did I?  He stumbled out of the compartment muttering fucking crazy woman. 

A thought came across my mind, he didn't even call me a mudblood, well thats a change.

Everyones chin was currently on the floor after what had happened. 

"So what did you say about me not being fun?"

"H-Hermione you do r-realize that that was Malfoy?"

I wanted to get his pure-blood disease out of my mouth, but it was wayy too late for that.

"Oh shit, I didn't know that it was him, no what am I going to do. I just made a HUGE mistake. He is going to torment me so much now"

I buried my hands into my face and hair until we got to Hogwarts.

|Dracos' POV(getting pulled into the compartment|

Hmm I wonder where pottys and weasels compartment is? I was walking down a row of compartments stopping to look inside each and everyone of them. 

"Jackpot" I muttered.

I decided to listen on their conversation for a bit. Wow the granger girl is acually "fun"? As if!

Somebody opened the door and grabbed me by the shirt I almost didn't know what was going on.

"What the hell Granger!"

I was about to rant on more but she had shoved me into a wall and started to make out with me. I was eager at her weakness. I did it back. Oh, did I surprise you? 

Our lips fit perfectly together, it was hard to believe they were Grangers. He pulled out of it looking a little bit flushed and his hair ruffled. Her eyes were such a pretty brown he could get lost in them forever. He left and started muttering so they didn't think that he had enjoyed it, did he? Was he gonna fall for her? No surely not the know-it-all, Defiantly  not.

Definitely Not.

Hello! Nice to meet fellow supporters of Dramione, I'm not gonna talk for long, so hope you enjoy the future chapter, I update at least once a week at minimum, So dont be surprised if you see two or three chapters out a week, I really love to write, so I'm not gonna be here rambling and wasting your time soooo, I will get further chapters out sooner! Luv ya'll if you read this, dont forget to add to your reading list so you can check for updates!

Talk soon!

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