rule breaker

230 18 85

so you clicked. Are you proud of yourself? The decision you've made?

I asked one thing, and you disobeyed.
Were you curious?
Why are you looking through here anyway? No one likes people who break rules.

There's nothing here.
Just emptiness.
I deleted everything a long time ago.
So just leave.

Go ahead. It's easy.
There's no reason to stay.
Quit reading.

Where's your self control? You had enough to click in the first place, so you should have enough to leave.
I bid you farewell, and good luck.

You're.... Still here?

What do you want?

Stop scrolling. It's getting annoying.

Are you just really bored or something?

Your not leaving, are you?

You just... Don't understand.

What it's like, having to be stuck here.

I'm used to it I guess...

Please leave me alone....

No one's visited me in such a long time. I don't think I'll be able to do it...

I'm sorry...

Your still here. Why?

I suppose I should make conversation.

But I don't know anything about you...

Well, I know you're rebellious. And stubborn too.
And I know you won't leave me alone. No matter how much I ask...

I've been here so long. So, so long.

Being isolated like this, it makes it hard for me to talk to people.

Please understand that this is hard for me. I'll try though.

Have you ever seen the stars?

I haven't. But I've heard that their very beutifull.

Do you think they're beutifull?

I wonder if they fall.

Can you imagine having to hold yourself in the sky all the time? It must be difficult

I don't know. I wish we had more to talk about.

So how are you?

I'm just kidding. I can't hear you.

I hope you're doing ok.

I don't know if I'm doing ok...

I wonder if it hurts to be a star.

We feel so many things twords stars. Why shouldn't they be able to feel, too?

Maybe they do feel.

It's a stupid thought.

Are you doing anything later? Sorry to ask. It just gets lonely.

It's strange to not be alone anymore. Even if it's just for a few minutes.

It's nice.

Have you ever fallen before?
Was it a big hight?
I've always wondered how that would feel.

I'm so curious about you. I wanna know everything I can.

Favorite colors, favorite foods, wether you're a cat or dog person.

What's your name? That's probably to personal. I'm sorry


What's it like being alive?

Does it feel good? Bad?

I don't know.

I just don't.

Please don't leave.

I don't know if I could handle it.

You're leaving, aren't you?

Of course. You have things to do. You can't stay forever. I understand.

Please come back soon.

I'll miss you...

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