thirty nine - surprise!

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The energy from the crowd had Louis on cloud nine. His past few concerts had been back to back, and he felt terrible that he wasn't able to really perform or engage with the crowd. He was too exhausted. He just had to focus on making it through.

But tonight, he had a ridiculous amount of adrenaline, riding the waves of energy as the audience screamed along to his songs. Partway through one of the last songs of the night, though, Louis thought he caught sight of a curly head in the wings. He froze, but kept singing smoothly, knowing his mind was just playing tricks on him. He just missed his boyfriend more than anything, so he couldn't help him everywhere.

Still, curiosity getting the better of him, he took a few steps closer to that side of the stage and tried to subtly get a better look. Then he caught sight of that stupid smile, and there was no doubt in his mind that it was Harry.

Louis stumbled on his words, then giggled -- seriously, he giggled, like a fucking schoolgirl -- and covered his flushed face in embarrassment.

The crowd roared with excitement, desperate for any clues as to what (or who) he was looking at. Finally, Louis uncovered his eyes and stared back at his boyfriend again, still not able to continue the song. Harry was really there, just a few feet away, basically taunting him because he knew he had to continue the show. The music played on while the audience carried the tune for him, but he was speechless; his voice refused to leave his throat.

"Keep going!" Harry mouthed to him, still grinning ear to ear.

So he did, as much as he wanted to sprint from the stage, concert be damned. Louis recovered easily, but his stupid, lovestruck smile didn't leave his face for the remainder of the show. He couldn't help himself from stealing glances over at the wings, and each time, he found Harry smiling just as widely as him. Those last few minutes of the show felt like the longest of his life.

After thanking the crowd, much more briefly than he usually did, Louis rushed off the stage. He gathered his boyfriend in his arms and held him close, inhaling his familiar scent. Harry squealed in excitement, burying his face in Louis's neck. And, no words exchanged yet between them, they stayed there, just wrapped up in each other. Holding each other tightly, just because they finally could.

Louis was the first to pull back, keeping a tight grip on the younger boy's waist. "What are you doing here, baby? I can't believe you're actually here, how are you here?"

"I wanted to surprise you." Harry smiled shyly, his fingers tangled in the soft hair at the nape of Louis's neck.

Louis framed the boy's face with his hands, grinning back at him. More than anything, he wanted to close the distance between them and kiss Harry with everything he had, but he had at least enough presence of mind to feel the heavy eyes of the crew on his back. He angled his body a bit further toward the wall behind Harry, keeping his boyfriend's back against the wall and shielding him from the overly-curious gazes of the workers. The least he could do was try to give them a bit of privacy.

"Great show, Lou. As always," Liam commented, appearing from out of nowhere. Or maybe Louis had just been too caught up in his boyfriend to really pay attention to anything else.

"Is this your doing, then?" Louis accused, observing the smug expression on his friend's face.

Liam shrugged innocently. "I may have pulled a few strings. But it was all Harry's idea."

Louis's heart swelled. Pushing his luck, he pressed an adoring kiss against his boyfriend's jawline, relishing in the blush that crept onto the younger boy's rosy cheeks.

"Still up for the afterparty, Tommo? Or can you two not wait a couple hours before you get yourselves off?" Liam teased.

"Oh, piss off. You've been spending too much time with Niall," Louis laughed. He turned his attention back to Harry, squeezing the younger boy's hip gently. "How's a party sound?"

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