chapter 5

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harry woke up to his stomach hurting and his head was throbbing with pain. he then remembered what happend yesterday. he got beat up by louis and what else...

Louis had a black eye.

that thought caused tears to fill his eyes. he found it quite weird how he didn't care that louis beat him up, he cared that louis had a black eye. He almost felt that all he could focus on was louis i mean his mum always used to say

"someone's always rude for a reason harry, maybe try and talk to them see if their okay?"

so that's why harry always brushed off mean people.

"harry honey i have some breakfast for you" harry's mum said

she made him eggs with 3 pieces of bacon.

"thanks mum, and also do i have to go to school today?"

harry asked.

"of course not babes you have a week off"

"but it's only Wednesday?" harry said

"i know but you have thursday and friday off including next week." harry's mum said and patted him on the head softly

"oh m'kay" harry smiled he was quite glad actually.


It was noon now and harry was getting bored all, he was doing was laying in his bed and reading his book. He wanted to go on a walk or just get some fresh air.

"hey mum!" harry yelled

"yes honey?!"

"can i maybe go for a walk or get some fresh air"

harry's door opened

"can you stand?"

harry was confused he didn't break his back, it was just his stomach and his head.

"yeah i don't see why i wouldn't it's just my stomach and my head really" harry chuckled

it was long pause and it felt quite awkward so harry wanted to break it

"so can I?" harry said trying to make eye contact with his mum, she looked at harry like she was trying to read his mind.

"okay honey just stay in the neighborhood and bring your phone"

"okay thanks mum"

harry put on his shoes and changed into a gray T-shirt, blue jeans and gray beanie.

As harry was walking he walked past louis house,his house was in his neighborhood, he knew that because louis car always passed him when he walks home, and it's always parked in the driveway of the house just a few houses down which is the one harry is about to walk past.

harry put his hood up in case louis was home but then he stopped in his tracks when he heard

"Dad don't hurt her please!" harry recognized that voice any where it was louis

their was a loud thud

"Dad what the fuck is wrong with you!?" "leave now!"

"you don't tell me wha-"

"NOW DAD" louis screamed

the front door opened and harry darted for the side of the house. the car door slammed and the sound of the car slowly faded away.

harry was trying to catch his breath, that's why louis was so mean all the time.

Harry ran home and as he was running a police car passed by him, it slowed down and the cop got out of the car and speed walk to harry.



fuck fuck fuck fuck

"did you see where any car went kinda dark red,which way did it go?!"

harry didn't know his eyes were closed he only heard it drive away

"I- I don't know sir"

He nodded and went back into his car and continued to drive to louis house

harry continued to run, when he got home he placed his head on the back of the door and slid down it putting his hands to his eyes.

"harry honey what's wrong?"

harry was sobbing he was shaking he was scared he could only imagine what louis looked like right now and, that just made his whole body hurt.

harry's mum wrapped her arm around harry and harry laid in her lap. He took deep breaths to calm down then his mum asked again.

"harry honey can you please tell me what happened?"

harry took a shaky breath


"did he hurt you again i swear if he di-"

"no mum he didn't i promise.... something just happend"

there was a pause

"like what?"

"i don't know how to explain it"

harry mum sighed and that made harry think that she was disappointed in him

"I'm s-sorry mum" harry whined

"what are you sorry for, there's nothing to be sorry for it's okay everything is fine i promise" harry loved his mum she always understood him and never put pressure on him.


It was now nighttime and harry was sitting on the couch with his mum. They were watching a movie however harry couldn't stop thinking about what happend, for now on he promised him self that he would do what ever he could to make sure louis was okay.


They finished the movie and harry went to his room but stoped in the doorway of it and asked.

"mum can I sleep in your bed tonight?" he knew he probably sounded like a baby but he didn't care, he just really needed comfort tonight

"of course honey"

harry went to bed with his mum hostage snuggling him and he actually had a decent goodnights rest for once.



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