chapter 9

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Taehyung p.r.o.v

"I arrive home, entred in my room an start crying holding my pillow. Why the hell I'm cry?? I can't fall in love no no no I can't..(I said to myself an soon I fallen asleep)"

Yn p.r.o.v

"He started driving an I was shocked for a moment."

Yn: Jungkook
Jk: hmm
Yn: why you did that?
Jk: to make you quite.
Yn: but you can also keep your hand on my mouth but you directly kissed me.
Jk: idk why I did that.
Yn: where are you taking me??
Jk: first we will go in restaurant and than for shopping an than I'll take you to meet my future wife.
Yn: what?? Your future wife.
Jk: yeah my daddy told me today that I have to marry one of his friends daughter.
Yn: really?? that's amazing..hey can I see her pic.
Jk: sure here"he removed his phone from his pocket and gave it to me"
Yn: password??
Jk: type your name.
Yn: my wae?
Jk: cuz that's the password.
Yn: noo I mean why my name??
Jk: because your my best friend.
Yn: ohh.
Jk: well we are here.

"We entered the restaurant ordered our food,few min later or order came an than we went for shopping an after that we went to meet jungkook's future wife"

Jk: yaa were is She??
Yn: how do I know idiot.
Jk: huu idiot?
Yn: haha just kidding.
Jk: don't it hurts"holding my hand"
Yn: really
Jk: yaa..hey I'm here "waving my hand"
??:Oh hi
Yn: that's my hand jungkook
Jk: I know
Yn: than wave your hand not mine
Jk: quite
Yn: no
Jk: than I can use my way
Yn: okey I'm quite.
??: Hey I'm here jungkook..amm who's she.
Jk: my girlfriend
??: What?
Yn: stop lying jungkook..I'm not his girlfriend I'm his friend yn.
??:ohh well nice to meet you yn I'm jieun
Yn: nice to meet you too jieun so your going to become a future wife of my baby bunny brother huu.
Jieun: yeah
Yn: so oppa--
Jk: I'm not your oppa..Don't call me oppa.. call me jungkook, kookie,baby bunny or whatever you want but no oppa
Yn: you both spend some time I'll be back.
Jk: where are you going??
Yn: washroom.
Jk: oh
Yn: so can I go
Jk: umm no
Yn: yaa"I hit his back"
Jk: yaa it hurts
Yn: you deserve it

"Later we both said bye to jieun an went back home,I put earphone in my ear while playing Euphoria song but jungkook removed my earphone From my ear"

Jk: don't listen to this listen me I'll sign song for you tell me which song you want to here
Yn: umm euphoria
Jk: okey

" He started singing"

Yn: such an angle voice"an soon I dreafed to sleep"

Jk p.r.o.v

"I finished signing an we arrived home"
Jk: yn we are h--"I saw her sleeping so I don't want her to disturb so I hold her on my back an took all the stuff which we buyed from knock the door"

Jimin's p.r.o.v

" Someone knock the door an I went to check who it I saw yn on jungkook's back sleeping"

Jk: yaa hyungs stop staring she's heavy
Jm: why she on you back ??
Jk: can't you see she's sleeping
Jhope: where were you it's too late you know
Jk: yaa I know "he said an went in yn's room I follow him he put her down,he put blanket on her than kiss her forehead..I was shock an than he was about to go in he's room when yoongi hyung said"
Yoongi: where were's too late what if something happens to you both an first of all tell me What you did whole day?"he almost shout"
Jk: yaa hyung came down I'll tell you everything tomorrow now I'm tired so bye good night.
Jin: jungkook
Jk: good night

"What's wrong with this boy ??"

Chapter 9

Hey guys i know this chapter is short but hope you exam's are gonna start so may be I'll not be able to upload the chapter but I'll try my best to upload chapter 10 soon till that time bye

Borohea 💜

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