Chapter 2 The Official Wedding

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The beautiful decorated hall was crowded with classy conglomorate people as guests. They were chatters among themselves. The sun was shining brightly and spring breeze were just fine.

The event started.

Kim Taehyung was standing beside the priest waiting for his bride. The sound of viola and piano were heard. Do Dae Soo walked along the aisle to her future husband with the most prettiest wedding dress ever. The guests were in awe. Kim Tae Hyung slightly opened his mouth due to his shock. He never thought the the nerdy doctor could be this beautiful.

Daesoo POV

I am soo nervous. The handsome man that will be my husband in a moment must be shocked that i could be this gorgeous. Even me. I was so surprised that i could be this beautiful when i stared at the mirror just now.

I dressed with a mermaid tail long dress and silk vein. I was slightly maked up by a famous make up artist from New York. And this all thanks to my soon-to-be-mother-in-law.

Whan i walked along the isle, i was so anxious and nervous too. Yeah of course, this is my first wedding. And i am going to marry with a guy i don't know.

No one POV

When she stood beside him, both of the bride and groom faced the priest.  The priest started his speech. He looked at the groom.

'Do you the groom, Kim Tae Hyung takes Do Dae Soo as you lawfully wife. And you will be beside her through wealth and poor, sick and health?'

'Yes, i do.'

Then, the priest looked at the bride.

'Do you the bride, Do Dae Soo takes KimTae Hyung as your lawfully husband. And be beside him through wealth and poor, sick and health?'


She wouln't say no, right? Taehyung said in his mind.

'Yes, i... i do.'

'Now, then you can kiss the bride.'

They both exchanged awkward looks. Kim Tae Hyung moved closer to Dae Soo and kissed her on her forehead. It was sweet and soft kiss. Mrs. Kim was in tears. She was touched because her only son, the diamond of her life was finally married. While Mrs. Do just sit there with no expression on her face like being botoxed.

The guests clapped their hands loudly. A half of hour later, the wed was finished. All the guests were gone. The newly wed was still there. Both in awkward circumstance. Mrs. Do was long gone. Mrs. Kim was still there managing some stuffs.

Then she went home after sending the couple to the airport to have their honeymoon in Venice. It was a surprise wedding gift from Mrs. Kim. But they were not in smiles at all like a newly wedded couple. Because the marriage was forced.

Ugh. I know this is sucks. Just bear with me okay. Since i am no a native english speaker, i have some (maybe lots) of grammar mistakes. Sorry sweeties. More to come but it might take time. XOXO.

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