Chapter 26

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The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up. I'm starting to think I should keep it on silent. Without looking, I swipe the answer icon.

"Good morning, love." The chirpiness in his tone makes me want to jump through the phone and smack him. Why doesn't he sound tired? Has he even slept? I don't bother asking him any of these questions. Instead, she lifts her head to take a peek at the clock. A string of curses escape me. I switch it on speaker phone as I stumble out of bed and hurry to change.

"Did someone oversleep?" he muses. I really want to smack him.

"I assume you didn't call to wake me up," I say instead, plopping onto the bed and tugging on my shoes. "Why did you call?"

"To let you know that I'm picking you up."

I turn my head around to look at the phone, afraid I may have misheard him. I know I didn't, but the worry is still there. Was he serious? That's why he's calling me? Before I can say anything, there's a knock at my door. A moment later, Adrian pops his head in. He's dressed head to toe in his uniform and I get the feeling I'm the only one still getting ready.

"Who is that?" Sawyer's voice erupts from my phone. Adrian glances at it, eyes gleaming.



They sound like two kids who haven't seen each other for a week. Or a couple who has been separated for a month. Adrian glances at me for a permission before picking up the phone and turning his back to me.

"What's up? It's been forever." Kids who haven't seen each other in a week. It's only been two days, I think. Then again, with the way I reacted to seeing Monique yesterday, I should be the last one speaking. I practically tackled her into a hug which she returned with no complaints. Her only words were an apology for ditching out on me the day prior.

"Well, I'm seeing you in about five minutes," Sawyer assures, tone lightening the more he speaks. ""Or less. C'mon. I'm pulling into the driveway."

In the blink of an eye, Adrian's out of the room. My phone, unfortunately, has gone with him. Reluctantly, I grab my bag and make my way out, greeting Carmela on my way.

When I step out the front door, sure enough the car is there. Sawyer's standing on the driver's side, in conversation with Adrian. They turn around as I descend the steps and walk over to the car, jumping back a step when the back door opens.

Monique grins up at me. "Good morning."

"Morning," I reply almost a beat too late. I avoid making eye contact with Sawyer as I climb in beside Monique. The boys climb in a moment later and Sawyer starts the car.

"So," I say, glancing over at Monique. "Do we know the purpose of this little pickup?"

Her head shakes in dismay. "I didn't ask either. Just figured hey, free ride." Her gaze flickers over to the front of the car, eyeing Sawyer and Adrian respectively. "What are your plans?"

"Well," Sawyer starts. His eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror, flickering back to the road. I don't miss the light sparkle in his eye. "Figuring none of you are okay with skipping"

"We could skip," Monique interjects, cutting him off. She's eyeing her nails this time; they're a bright red with little white doodles on them. One of them has already chipped.

When I look up, Sawyer's gaze is meeting mine again. I look away.

We end up going to school despite the efforts on Monique's part to skip. She seemed more willing to than Sawyer, and when I eventually gave in and asked about it, she smiled sheepishly. Apparently she had a class with a teacher and she forgot to do the homework. The chances of her getting into trouble were high and she wasn't in the mood for that.

I helped her finish the homework (we both took the class, but had different teachers) and Sawyer promised our adventure could continue after school seeing as Monique had just been saved by me.

"What do you think he has planned?" Monique asks as we separate from the boys, making our way to the other side of the school. "

"No clue," I murmur absentmindedly. It's the last thing on my mind. Hell, ever since I had the conversation with my mom leading Adrian to ask the question that he did, I haven't really been able to focus on anything else. I wanted to know more than anything what it meant. What I thought about Sawyer, like Adrian asked.

Monique grips onto my arm, tugging me out of the way. As I zone back in, I realize I almost bumped into someone. For the rest of the day, that's how it goes. Monique pulling me out of someone's way and glancing at me in concern, but it's Monique which means the only way it's going to be brought up is when I'm ready to talk about whatever it is that has me acting this way.

Monique meets up with me at our lockers before we pass through the front doors. Sawyer and Adrian are already waiting outside. They're standing near the entrance and when they spot us, start walking on ahead.

"Cal?" Monique says. I turn to acknowledge her and wait for her to continue. "Is everything okay?" She looks at me, forehead creasing.

Before I have a chance to respond, Sawyer calls out for us to hurry. They're waiting for us by the car.

"So care to tell us where we're going?" I ask as we climb in. The door shuts after me with a thud. Sawyer acknowledges me with a single look before he looks away.

"That'll take the fun out of it." He grins.

The drive isn't that long. Our first stop is a convenience store a few blocks from the school. We're each advised to take any three snacks we want and once we've done that and we've paid, we're back in the car. This time, we're driving a little longer. I keep my gaze set on the window, watching everything go by in a blur.

"You haven't actually had a proper sighting of New York, have you?" Sawyer asks from the front seat. He's pulled onto the side of the road, not saying another word as he climbs out. His final instruction is to bring our snacks with. Adrian, Monique and I follow behind him.

And I can't help the gasp that passes through my lips.

"Madison square park," Sawyer says, glancing at me. "Welcome to your first proper New York experience."

"My first proper experience?" I lift a brow.

"Spending it here with your friends." When he says that, my heart clenches. He's got this wide smile across his face and he looks so pleased with himself. So pleased that it hurts.

Of course I'm happy, but the way he refers to himself as a friend, I hate it.

"So that's what this is about," Monique murmurs. A grin spreads across his face as her arm wraps around my shoulder. "Why didn't you just say so?"

His eyes never leave mine, and I don't dare look away. "Some of the best things come as a surprise," he says.

We find a bench and take a seat and that's how the rest of the afternoon is spent. Sitting, exchanging stories and laughing.

All the while I can't help but wonder whether Sawyer's words were directed at me.

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