The Room

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I sat in the waiting room of a business that claimed it could give you exactly what you needed most. I wasn't sure it was true, but finding the business card by fate just stuck in the grill of my car, it felt right to try. What was the worst that could happen? They give me a fortune cookie and high tail me out? Besides, the card said it was a free business, that made it all the more interesting.

The waiting room was weird to me. It had dark red walls with very minimal lighting, very...moody and seductive almost. It helped add to the mystery. The business had no name, not that was posted on the card or the building itself anyways. There were no other customers, no reception, no reviews online, like this business had never even existed.

The room was so oddly quiet, it was discomforting. The wait felt like it was taking forever. I checked my watch, only 5 minutes had gone by, surely that wasn't enough time to conjure what I needed most, so I continued waiting. The tone of the room never changing, still eerie. I tapped my foot and bit the insides of my cheeks for comfort, adding some sound and feel to the quiet of the room. It helped put me at ease, even if it was small.

Another 5 minutes passed, it felt like things weren't going to change and maybe the business had ended after all or I walked into the wrong building, despite checking the address on the card with this building 6 times. I sighed a little bit, out of impatience or relief, I wasn't sure. Getting up, I felt a presence that wasn't there before. I stopped, taken aback for a second and sat back down. My anxiety was building up.

"Hello..?" I turned to look at the man next to me, but to my surprise, he wore a mask. It looked to be a wendigo mask, like the weird skulls people wore in monster movies. It had red jewels in the eye sockets and seemed...dirty? To be exact it looked bloody, but maybe it was fake, like dye or something to add to the horror. The man didn't reply with words, instead he just lifted his hand and placed it on my thigh. I was shocked to feel his touch was warm, I don't know why but I was expecting it to be freezing cold. Out of fear, I didn't move. I gulped a little and looked at his hand, it gripped slightly and then moved off my thigh again onto his own. His head never moved from facing forward. And I had thought the room was eerie...boy was I wrong!

Silence filled the room again and I wanted so badly to get up and leave, but it felt wrong. Something was keeping me there, I wasn't sure what.

"So...are you here to also get what you need most?" I asked softly, my heart pounding out of my chest as I waited for an answer. Part of me was hoping I wouldn't get an answer and I could leave.

The man nodded and finally his head turned towards me. He lifted his hand again and I felt the nerves kicking back in. Instead of heading towards me, he lifted his mask just enough to talk to me. I tried to peek, but it was all still too shadowed to see anything.

"Are you Emilie?" The man asked, his voice was deep yet very kind.

"I—I am." I felt my throat try to close on me, when I get nervous I can feel my body refusing to talk.
"Good...I'm Kye." The man smiled. I couldn't see it, but I could HEAR it. Just the way someone talks and you can tell they're smiling.

"How do you know my name?" I gulped a little, not even sure I wanted that answer. I turned my body to his, our knees just barely touching. I couldn't tell if the couch had shrunk or if he was just big.

"Hard not to know the name of your soulmate, no?" The man chuckled a little bit and I felt him put a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

For someone who was so mysterious and dare I say, spooky looking. He was very charming. The touch behind the ear had my legs melt a little bit.

"S-Soulmate?" I stuttered, trying to compose myself. Suddenly his smells started hitting me and it was easy to get lost. He smelled so...musky. In such a way that smelled just absolutely amazing. I couldn't put it into words if I tried. I felt drawn to it.

"That's why we're both here, no? To find what we need most. If we're both here and I know your name, then what else is it to be?" The man chuckled again, still soft and kind like his voice.

"A stalker..." I tried to lighten my own mood with a joke, trying to come out of this intoxicating presence. It didn't work.

"I can promise you, I'm no stalker." Once again, I heard that smile of his come through. It was hard not to believe him.

"Well, if I'm to believe you're my soulmate, then can you at least take off that mask...?" I asked, reaching up to touch it.

He stopped me by grabbing my wrist and holding it. I could sense him starring at me with such severity.

"Not yet." That was all he said about it. No answer as to why, just two words that sounded so uncertain for the first time since he spoke. I nodded and he sat my hand back down on my thigh.

"I'm sorry." I looked at him. His mask didn't seem so scary after talking to him. But the curiosity kept building.

"How about we head over there?" The man stood and pointed to a door that was at the other end of the building, the door I had been expecting some crazy fortune man to walk out of once I got here.

"For what?" I asked quietly, as if there was any reason we shouldn't be going back there and we'd get caught. The man was also much taller than I had expected, he was at least a foot and a couple inches taller than me.

"You'll me." He held his hand out.
I did. I trusted him, I wasn't sure why, but I did. I took his hand and he led me off to that back room. The walk felt like forever, I just watched him. His hands seemed normal to me, so what was he hiding?
Once the door opened, I saw shifts in the walls out of the corner of my eyes. Like the room was becoming something else. By the time I had looked up to see what was happening, it was over. Things were set into a bedroom. A bathroom off to the right and a fireplace set in front of the bed. Silk sheets covered the mattress, a giant window behind it showing a snowy mountain scene. The fireplace was already lit and the room felt warm.

"How did—" I immediately got cut off.

"Don't ask how, some things are just meant to be." He squeezed my hand and led me to the bed, with no hesitation, I followed.

Within seconds, I felt like I had know this man for years. My heart pounded out of my chest as he ran his hands over my body. Everything felt so right that I went along with it. I grabbed the waist of his jeans and pulled it into me, running my hands up his torso and to his chest. My nails following and leaving behind marks.

I was allowed to see all of his body, but his face remained covered. I was fine with it.

I felt his hands grab the base of my shirt and lift, I held my arms up and let him finish as I followed in suit, taking off his shirt as carefully as I could to keep his mask on. I felt an even bigger smile on his face as he pushed his body into mine, the warmth engulfing me. He tugged at my pants and I tugged at his.

We went at each other with a force I'd never felt before and it was the most refreshing and perfect thing I had ever felt. I remember when he was on top I had ran my fingers up his neck and stopped at the hair that showed from under his mask, I ran my fingers through it and pulled his head to mine. The mask seemed so normal for a moment.

The intense feelings ended as the intercourse did and we laid tangled together. The man played with my hair and I smiled.

"Thank you." He said softly, his voice getting even kinder than before.

"For what?" I said looking at him, my brows sat in a curious look above my eyes.

"For showing me that I was right. I feel I can show you now." He said as he sat up next to me.

"Wha—" before I could get another word out, his hands raised to his mask and he pulled it off his head. My jaw dropped and I watched him in awe, my heart jumped and I felt my skin get goosebumps as his face came into view.

"Wow." I said as my hand cupped his cheek.
He smiled and his smile was powerful, so soft and genuine. He looked into my eyes and quickly pressed his lips into mine. It felt like my spine left my body, came back, shivered, and then turned to jello. I felt butterflies dancing in the pit of my stomach and the world spun. The kiss felt like it lasted a life-time and when it broke, things felt so new to me again. The world had almost changed colors.

"Wow." That was all he said.

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