Smoking Weed🍃

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Has your childhood from being a happy kid slowly turned into a person who just didn't care? Well, that was the case for f/n l/n, a girl who has dealt with continues arguing from both her parents for as long as she can remember.

Soon enough, they got divorced a little after her first year at junior high. Your mom had custody over you but you were still able to see your dad when you wanted to.

Present time
You were chilling on your phone & you walked past your moms room when you suddenly smelled something. You turned around & peeked through your mom's door to see her smoking.

'When did she start smoking cigarettes, no... That's not a cigarette' you thought. You decided you'll investigate later on either when she's in the shower or when she's cooking dinner.

('・ω・') (I'm gonna use this for time skip)

"Hey princess, I'm gonna go cook dinner alright? Let me know if you need anything" Your mom says. You nod "okay mom"

She walks off & you slowly get up & tip toe down to her room. The door wasn't closed, so you were able to get in without making too much noise.

You walk in & you start to search for something that looks 'smokable'. You then find a container with green clumps in it.

"Weed? When did she start smoking this?" You mumble to yourself. You open it & smell it "it doesn't smell all that great, I wonder if it taste the same as cigarettes" Yes, you've tried cigarettes, but they tasted nasty to you so you never did it again.

You closed the container & put it back where you found it. You walk out of the room & you walk to the kitchen where your mom was. You were curious if your mom would come up with an excuse for the weed.

"Hey mom" You say as you lean against the wall. Your mom looks over her shoulder at you & looks back at what she's doing "yes?"

"I saw you smoking earlier, & I know you don't smoke cigarettes, so what were you smoking?" You ask. "Oh, I was smoking weed" You were shocked that she said it so bluntly.

"Oh, well how does it feel? You always seem so relaxed when you smoke weed" You say. Your mom nods "I can't lie, it does make me feel better after a long day of work"

You nod "Wow, wish I could feel relaxed just like that" Your mom sighs, washes her hands & walks over to you. "f/n, do you want to try it?"

Your eyes widen "w-what? This is a test right?" Your mom puts her hands on your shoulders "I'm going to give you the option if you want to or not, I will agree to whatever you choose"

You look down to think but you look back at your mom & nod "I'd like to try it mom" Your mom nods "alright, go get my weed & wraps from my room, they're not that hard to find"

You nod & you go back to your mom's room & you grab the weed & wraps. You go back to the kitchen & you hand your mom the stuff. She takes the weed out & pulls a wrap out.

She tears some pieces apart & puts it in the wrap. She folds the wrap over & licks the open side & folds it over to. She puts the 'joint', is what your mom called it, in her lips & lights the other end of it.

Your mom inhales, takes the joint out of her mouth, & exhales as smoke comes out of her mouth. She hands you the joint & you do the same thing.

As you exhaled, you raised an eyebrow "I don't feel any different" Your mom chuckles "just take a few more hits, soon enough you'll feel something, but just a warning, it'll feel weird"

You shrug & you take a few note hits, during that, you sometimes either coughed because you hit it wrong, or because smoke got in your eye.


You were in your room staring at the ceiling, until the weed suddenly hit you. Your ceiling started to move & you felt like you were floating "oh shiiiiiiit" You said.

You get out of bed & you waddled as you walk to the kitchen to find your mom. "Mom, shy is everything so wavy!" Your mom chuckles "baby, that's the weed kicking in"

Your eyes widen a little "so I'm high" "You're high" Your mom says.

"You smoke too?" | A suna X female stoner readerWhere stories live. Discover now