If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?

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"Hello? Y/n?" Your mom said as she answered the phone. You were so relieved to hear her "Mom! I need you to come pick me up, please"

"Why? What's going on? You sound scared as shit" Your mom asked. You proceeded to explain what happened about your dad & the two guys, Adam & Conner.

After you were done, your mom sat in silence. You waited a few seconds for your mom to say something, but she hasn't.


You sat there with your eyes wide, but then you chuckled "It's okay, I'm with this lady who was kind enough to let me in her house" "Put her on the phone please" Your mom said.

You walked over to the lady "excuse me, my mom wants to talk to you" You handed the lady your phone "hello?" "I just want to thank you so much for allowing my daughter in your house, I didn't know her father would do such a thing..."

The lady giggled "It's fine, it's the least I could do right? I'll keep her here until you come to pick her up" "Yes, & again, thank you very much" Your mom said.

The lady handed you your phone & you put it to your ear. "Hey mom" You said, letting her know you were there.

"Okay sweetie, the lady already gave me her address so I'll be over there as fast as I can. If someone knocks on the door, I don't care who it is just hide & make sure they don't see you through the doors, windows, anything, okay?" Your mom explained.

"Mmhm, I got it" You said back. "Alright then, I'll see you soon. I love you" "I love you too" You said back to your mom before you hung up.

The lady walks up to you "If you want to maybe stay in the guest bedroom for a little bit you can" You were hesitant at first, but went into the room anyway.

You closed the door & closed the curtains at the window. You sat on the bed & put your hands on your forehead. Why was this happening to you? Everytime you think life is getting better, some bullshitting comes crashing down & ruining it all.

You were so emotionally exhausted, why couldn't anything just stay the same way forever? You & atsumu still being friends, of course you & suna would still be dating, and you never actually going to your dad's.

Actually, if you've never went to your dad's in the first place, this would've never actually happened.


After about 15 to 20 minutes later, the lady's doorbell rang. She went & opened the door & you heard the words "Hey... Is this the place my daughter is staying at? Her name is y/n"

Once you recognized your mom's voice, you quickly jumped up & bolted to the living room. A huge smile formed on your face once you saw your mom.

"Mom!!" You yelled to her. Your mom looked at you & she started to tear up. "Y/n! Oh my goodness thank god you're okay!" Your mom said as she hugged you & you hugged her back.

Your mom started to rub your head as she hugged you "oh my sweet baby, I'm so glad you're okay" Your mom stopped hugging you & she turned to the lady.

"Thank you so much for watching my daughter & keeping her safe for me" Your mom's said, thanking her.

The lady shakes her head "of course, how could I not after seeing how afraid she was?" Your mom smiled & thanked the lady again before the both of you started walking to her car.

As you both sat in your seats & closed the car door, you sat there for a few seconds, letting everything that just happened sink in.

You were almost kidnapped.

And sold off.

The reality hit you pretty hard for a second. You could've lost everything if you were hesitant about trying to run out of the house.

You glanced over at your mom. She had her face resting on her hands. She didn't move or say anything, you both just sat there. Quietly.

After a few seconds go by your mom takes a deep breath & starts the car. As your mom is driving out of the neighborhood, you fiddled with the bottom of your shirt, trying to think of what to say.

As you sat there, your mom said "I know you want to say something, but you don't have to. We can just sit here quietly if you want"

You kept your head down & sighed. You're glad your mom said that, you didn't know if saying something would be a good idea anyway.


Once you got back to your home, you walked straight to your room. You fell straight onto your bed. You kept thinking about those few minutes that happened where you started to panic.

Your heart was beating so fast, even if you hesitates for a few seconds, the worst could've happened. You felt so light headed & sick, like you were about to throw up.

You were going to text suna, but you felt so tired. "Maybe I'll just rest my eyes..." You mumbled. But as soon as you closed your eyes, you fell asleep.

902 words (´∧ω∧`*)


Hey :)

It's been a while ٩( ᐛ )و

Yeah I know I know, I've been slacking on the updates for the chapters & I'm sorry for that. I've been stressing a lot lately so I've lost a lot of motivation to even write this story, I've been thinking about discontinuing it for while.

But I don't want to, so I won't. If anything I might put the story on hold for a while & when I'm ready to write again I'll get to writing. Plus my dad who mentally & emotionally abused me got out of jail so I have to deal with him for a while 💃

But anyways thank you guys for still supporting this story, seeing you guys comment & wanting to see the next chapter really bad makes me feel happy, so I'll try to start working on the story again 👨‍💻

“Sometimes I do feel like I’m a failure. Like there’s no hope for me. But even so, I’m not gonna give up. Ever!” – Izuku Midoriya (Boku no hero academia)

I apologize for any typos 👩‍🦯💨

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