School life:
-I am a student at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
-I start school at the same time as Earl and the Weasley twins.
-I'm in Slytherin house.
-My wand is laurel wood with a phoenix feather core, 14 1/2" and supple flexibility.
-My Patronus is a weasel.
-I can speak parseltongue.
-I have a lifa journal.
-Its fun.
-I will have friends.
-I am top of all my classes.
-I can fly on my broom.
-Everyone has their own dorm room with their own bathroom.
-I understand every class.
-I know my way around the whole castle.
-I know and remember all the house dorm passwords.
-I'm friends with all the ghosts and paintings.
-I can pronouns and read spells easily.
-Hogwarts has all my favourite foods and the food tastes amazing.
-My bed is comfortable.
-I have a schedule and I know what it is.
My Shifting Reality Script
Roman d'amourI'm not even sure if ill be able to private this but if I'm not able to please don't judge me or pester me about my script I'm fairly new to scripting so if you have any pointers it would be a lot of help.