you deserve better

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kians pov: i was leaning against the wall talking to jc when i saw nessa run outside she looked pretty mad, i'm not nosey well maybe just a little so i pushed passed people who were dancing and drinking half of them were drunk af, the main reason i followed her wasn't because i really wanted to see what happened it's cause i kinda like her i've never felt this way before and i don't like seeing her sad.

nessa: i was sitting/ swinging on the chair i'm not with tears in my eyes when i see someone coming i couldn't make out her if was cause my eyes were blurry with the tears anyway i wiped them with my sleeve and it's kian i'm kinda happy it's him and no one else, he makes me feel safe and happy well grayson did too but that was probably cause he was my first boyfriend and i never had anyone else only him and ethan, roni was in her room all the time she never left only for school but she's happy now i can tell aaron is doing a good job

kian: hey nessa you all right?
nessa: yeah yeah i'm fine *i fake smile at him*
kian: so why then are you crying? and sitting out here alone by your self in the coldness? *he playfully nudges me and smiles, god he's so cute wait no i can't like him no i can't he's cute in a fr friend way yeah a friend way..*
nessa: if you knew i was sad then why did you ask if i was alright?
kian: i uh well, so what happened unless you don't have to tell me you don't have to it's up to you is it something to do with the girls i can go speak to them if you want or is it roni did you have a falling out?
nessa: i it's grayson i saw him kissing another girl and *cries even more*
kian: nessa don't cry, * hugs her* some guys are jerks and you don't deserve them and they'll come back to you making up excuses to get back with you *pulls out out the hug and looks at her* and you don't deserve that nessa you deserve a nice kind boy who will respect you and care for you and gives you all the love in the world *nessa hugs him and he gush's back*

(couple of mins ago in grayson pov)

"what the fuck dude you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend how could you she doesn't deserve you at all if i had a boyfriend and found out he did this i would kill him so you better watch your back".

gray: no don't leave tell me what i should do i'm drunk and i can't control myself i look like an idiot right now but please help

"the best advice i would give is if you "girlfriend" has male friends you should watch your back and go apologise right now"
she says as i watch her leave i'm so so stupid i run downstairs putting in my t-shirt and run out the door to see nessa hugging some other guy wait is that kian i told her to stay away from him incase she gets attached or attracted to him i can't loose her

(no ones pov)

grayson walks up to them

grayson: i'm so sorry i was drunk you know what i'm like when i am drunk please nessa
kian: maybe you should of thought of that when she told you "your to drunk" when you were begging her to dance with you
nessa: wait how do you know-
kian: shh i'm just special i know everything
grayson: but-
kian: but nothing i'd advice you to keep away from nessa and think about what you just lost
grayson: she still hadn't broke up with me tho so
nessa: it's over, now i have bye

nessa and kian walk to kians car and drive off

thanks for reading i rlly appreciate it :)

also tell me who do you ship nessa with the most?
and don't say alex /:(

he has a girlfriend let's respect that :)

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