even more vines >:3

603 12 19

Doggo (y/n):*sneezes*


Nickit (y/n):I'm hungry!, Don't you eat any of my food!!!


Blueberry:*holding doggo (y/n)'s paw* your my friend now, were gonna have soft tacos later!


Hawlucha (y/n): *holding bowl of sugar peas*SUGAR PEAS!

Braixen:DROP THEM!

hawlucha (y/n):OK *drops sugar peas*


Swap papy:haha I do that


Sylveon:wait what your not coming to my tea party?...(Y/N) I MADE POKEPUFFS!


Noivern:*kicks down door*


Swap chara:*dancing with paper bags on her head


Dusk:people say I can do what I love without college, I don't need a digree to be a clothing hanger! *Wears clothing hanger*


just some randomness!Where stories live. Discover now