Chapter 4

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Zane POV

I can't believe that Ty tried to kill himself.. I knew that he was hurting, but I don't think I could survive without him. I know that I don't know him, but he is my mate and our bond is really strong for some reason. I walked into the kitchen after coming home from school and not seeing Ty, I won't lie it worried me a bit.. I smile seeing my parents hugging each other, they stop when they see me and both look at me concerned. "What's wrong son?" My father asked quietly walking over to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "If you are worried about your mate, I'm sure he will be alright now. Just give him some time okay?" I nod, but sigh heavily "Dad I just keep having this feeling like something is wrong. My body is sore for absolutely no reason at all. I don't know what it is, but I feel like something might be wrong with Ty.

"Why don't you go for a run sweetheart? You were the one to find him at the brink of death.. Your stress levels are really high." my mother suggests as she comes over pulling me against her, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I nod my head hugging both of my parents and I run out the back door stripping off my clothes before shifting into my black wolf Colby.

We take off into the woods running at full speed and I yip and howl feeling the stress just leave my body. As soon as I jump over a creek and run a bit I get hit with the most amazing honey and vanilla scent and I quickly chase after it my wolf Colby chanting in my head "Hurry to mate. Mate hurting. Mate is broken. Fix mate!" I run faster and I hear loud heartbreaking screams followed by singing. I quietly squeeze through a bush and lay down peeking out at my mate listening to him sing, his voice filled with so much pain and agony, I growl louder than I mean too when I see his beautiful pale body covered in fresh bruises and gashes, I can't take it anymore so I stand up and walk slowly out of the bush.

I hear a squeak as my mate sees me and of course I think to myself about how fucking cute that was. I hear his tiny, shaky voice whisper "P..please don't hurt me.. I.. I'm a wolf too.. I can't.. please I can't shift.." he backs up slowly and I lower myself to the ground to show him that I won't hurt him. After a few minutes he sits down in his spot and I very slowly army crawl my huge body over to him and he giggles softly running his fingers through my fur causing me to shiver "Look at you. You are so beautiful. I can't shift right now.. I don't know why.. and I know your person can hear me, but I really hope that I can be as beautiful as you whenever I do.." I lift my head up looking directly into his eyes and he gasps "Oh my god.. your eyes are gold! I've never seen a wolf with golden eyes before.." he pulls his hand away quickly backing up "I am so sorry Alpha! oh god.. I hope I didn't embarrass you.." I whine a little as he starts to hyperventilate and I lay my head on his shoulder moving closer to him and I notice that he calms down pretty quickly.

"C..can you shift.. so I can see who you are? you don't have too.." he bites his lip and I feel my heart melt some and I nod my head and disappear behind a bush, shifting and putting on tight ripped jeans and boxers before walking back out to my adorable mate.


I jump up quickly gasping loudly as the cute boy from the hospital walks out of the bushes and I try to speak, but my mouth decides to stop working so I just stare at him in awe checking him out because he really is the very definition of a god. His six pack defined perfectly against his tanned skin.. I'm drooling and I won't be ashamed to admit it. I watch as he walks closer to me, his muscles bulging as he stands in front of me.

"Are you okay Ty?" His deep voice sends shivers down my spine and I try to hold myself together by wrapping my arms around my torso afraid that I'm going to pass out. I can feel the power radiating off of this boy and the way I want to submit to him proved my point from earlier. This boy is an Alpha. I start shaking and hyperventilating feeling myself getting dizzy and I feel warm hands grip my shoulders tightly "Ty.. Ty you have to calm down or you are going to pass out." his voice is laced with concern. "Please calm down. Breath with me." he puts my hands on his hard chest and I look down blushing and I close my eyes trying to mimic his breathing pattern. After a few minutes I can feel that I have calmed down enough and I finally open my eyes looking at him again.

"Ty I know you don't know me.. but I really need to talk to you okay? I wanted to wait, but seeing you and seeing your injuries after just getting out of the hospital yesterday I don't think I can wait anymore..." I stare at him confused tilting my head some and he smiles softly, his eyes gleaming in the sunlight. "Ty.. your my mate.. I didn't know that you were my mate until me and my Beta Leo found you almost dead.. when I lifted you up into my arms I felt the sparks immediately which made me push even harder to save you. I know your broken Ty.. but please let me save you.. let me fix your broken heart.." the next thing I know I see Ty swaying a little before his eyes roll back and he collapses.

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