chapter one wowowowowwowowow

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"Whew!" You let out a quick huff of sheer relief as your eyes scanned the area around you; it was gone. Sheesh, the master of disguise... or more like master of annoying the hell out of me, you quickly thought. Although your encounters with Fraud had never been what would you describe as enjoyable, you always pondered about its true identity. I mean, it always had taken the shape of anyone from the depths of your memory... or anyone within the depths of the seemingly inescapable maze you were in. Which, in fact, made you feel worse. Other people in this godforsaken maze? You felt as if you hadn't experienced any sort of interaction with a human figure for hours. Though you've probably only been running around in this maze for ten minutes. Who knows. It's not like you have a watch on you.

But oh boy you really wish you did.

The company of a flashlight would be splendid as well. To your luck, it wasn't entirely pitch black. Candles hung from the halls, giving you that yearned light. You wondered how they got there, but never thought too deep into it. At dire times the candles do grow dim; and in that case you make a break for it.

But do you even remember why you are here?

You can't seem to grasp your memory on it. Maybe Fraud had shocked you too bad. Or you're too embarrassed to remember.

I mean, you don't even remember how you got here and hell if you tried to. Maybe you thought a maze would be fun. A peaceful maze without any monsters trying to slaughter you on the damned spot. Did you sign up for this... with, like, a pen? Did you sign your name away? Or even your soul? You absolutely don't know.

Even if you did sign some wretched paper that caused you to be in this hellhole, you wonder why you did so. Maybe the bastards behind this have some wacky definition of fun.

Nonetheless, you carried on, sticking incredibly close to the wall. You knew you had to be cautious, but there wasn't exactly a way to be. Twists and turns lay ahead of you. And not to mention, Fraud and Stan were everywhere.

Fraud and Stan. Aren't there more?

You recall hearing about James and Alice.

But one more.


You shook your head dismissively. You're not going to get anywhere contemplating how many monsters are out to bring you to a painful fate. You've only interacted with one of them; that being Stan, who quickly backed out of the (fairly awkward) conversation. You yearned company so much that you talked to a monster. A. Monster. A monster made of darkness, of a whisking nefarious aura, a monster with illuminated red eyes that seemed to glare into your soul each time you had caught them beaming at you...

Fun, amiright?

Uh oh. You peered around frantically, feeling a sense of fright overtake you. The lights were becoming dim. Fast. They didn't fully turn off; they never did. Maybe mercy was spared upon you... and the others who may be lurking in this maze as well. But it was still horrifying.

What's that click in your mind?

The dim lights give you a faint memory within this maze.

Golly! How long have you been here?

Hours upon hours...


Your pace was much slower now. You looked every which way, practically feeling Stan's presence at this point. You knew he was looking for you, and he knew you were watching out for him.

No, no, wait. That was odd.

That is definitely not Stan.

But then why do you recognize this strange feeling that whoever is out there is giving off?

Maybe you should turn the corner.

I think you should turn the corner.

You've turned the corner.

This guy... you know this guy!

It's all suddenly coming back to you.

This guy, this guy who's chased you over and over and over through countless halls, who's got you running faster than the speed of light, who makes your adrenaline rush like bloody hell, who's left you on edge throughout this whole maze because the sword he swings is way too sharp for your own liking, this guy, Ralph!

Why do you like this guy again?

You hate this guy.

No, you don't. He's actually pretty cool.

I mean, he's never tried to kill you. Just has chased you around with that bulky sword of you.

You've even given him your name. You remember talking to this guy... well, more like shrieking at the top of your lungs, as he's chased you.

Was it fun? No. But probably for him.

Maybe you could actually strike up more of a conversation with him. Maybe he won't chase you down these corridors.

Suddenly you're scared again, but he already sees you. And he's already coming at you with that gigantic sword.

Wowza! You feel brave! Why do you feel brave? Just go with it! You jump out from the corner, lifting a hand to become a "stop" motion, as you shout aloud, "Stop right there! Put the sword down!"

Haha. You feel stupid now.

Wait... it worked? Maybe you don't feel... entirely stupid. But still a bit stupid.

You and Ralph merely stared at each other; he stopped coming at you, and though he still held his sword it was pointed at the ground currently.

"Uhh..." You didn't even have a plan. What were you to say? Why were you overthinking what to say to a literal monster you should be appalled of? "Thank you for dropping the sword, uh, Ralph."

Jeez, you couldn't even tell what kind of expression the lad wore. He literally had no reflection.

"So you're not going to chase me, I assume? Haha, that's nice." You said. You quite literally were just speaking of what came to your mind first.

"Do you talk? I mean, last time you did, and I think I gave ya my name."

"(Y/N)." He said.

"Wow! You got it right. Thanks?" You had started to walk toward him more. "Well, this is awkward, but you speak pretty quietly; so, if you aren't going to kill me, do you wanna... talk?"


"What do we talk about?"

"Well, do you like the maze?" He scoffed.

"No. It sucks."

"You suck."

He lifted his sword in the air.

"Well shit-" You turned around, fleeing away. You heard intense footsteps behind you. You really just wanted to hold his hand.

But this was nice too.

Were you laughing? Were you having fun?

Yes, you were. For some bizarre reason.

And you think you could hear him laughing too.

And he chased you for about a hour before he had surprisingly lead you to... an entrance?!

You wonder where this goes. And you wonder where he'll take you.

You turn toward him. "What is th-"

"Do you want to hold my hand?"

Oh! A break in the seriousness! He's gonna hold your hand!

Why are you falling for a monster? You shouldn't be crushing on a monster. Why are you crushing on a monster? This is supposed to be scary.

Maybe it could be scarily cute. *finger guns*

You quickly take his hand. It feels nice.

And he presses a button.

And the two of you walk into a.....................another maze?

Goddamn it.

Until next time, folks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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