Chapter 11

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It has been a few days since I got stitches and today is tryouts for soccer! We called the doctor asking if I was allowed to exercise with stitches because Noah was worried. He said that they will heal in 3-5 days and that I could tryout. We also emailed the head soccer coach and told him that my cast would not be a problem and I would be getting it off in two days. The bell just rang and I slowly get up from my seat and go to my last class of the day. I walk through the halls alone because I don't really have any friends. I mean I don't blame them, who would want to be friends with a girl that's two or three years younger than them. I hope I make some friends at soccer.

I get to Noah's classroom and take a seat at my assigned seat at the back of the class. Noah wanted me to sit by his desk but I argued with him about it and completely refused to do so. It was already bad enough he was my teacher, I don't want him so close to me that he can see my every move.

Slowly students start to trickle in, loudly talking and joking with each other. I wish I could be like them. Once all the students are here Noah starts teaching. I don't really pay attention and start spacing out because I already know what he is teaching, math comes really easily to me.

I'm thinking about soccer tryouts when a loud bang startles me from my thoughts. A really cute boy walks in, he's even hotter than most of my brother's friends. He looks to be about 5'9 which is pretty tall for a 7th-grade boy that has just started growing. He has brown eyes and dark hair, he was also blessed with a sharp jawline.

"Are you Logan?" Noah asks with a bright smile at the new student.

"Yeah I am", Logan answers with a deeper voice that made some of the girls in the back of the classroom start whispering to each other.

I look around for a place that he could sit but the only empty seat is next to me because the kid that was sitting there moved a few weeks ago. I grin at Noah when he sighs as he looks around for a place for Logan to sit and notices that I'm the only person in the class that doesn't have a desk partner, "You can go and take a seat next to Charlotte back there", he says while pointing at me.

Logan walks over and sits down next to me. Before I can say anything to him he asks, "Are you and the teacher related?"

"Yeah, sadly. Wait, how'd you know?" I ask with questioning look on my face.

"It was just a guess, I mean he practically glared at me when he told me to sit next to you." He answers with a smirk on his face.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I mumble a bit embarrassed, my cheeks turning red.

"It's fine, I would do the same if I had a little sister." He reassures me. It makes me feel a bit better but I still don't know what to say to him so I just turn to the front of the class and pretend to pay attention.

"Charlotte! Get your stuff and switch seats with me." Emma demands. She is wearing a short skirt and a crop top, it seems like she would get cold with all that skin showing.

"Oh ok," I say quietly, not wanting to make her mad at me. I go to stand up but a strong arm wraps around my shoulders and pushed me back into my seat. Confused, I glance over at Logan and give him a questioning look.

"I want to sit next to Charlotte. Not you," Logan tells Emma. She glares at me and motions with her fingers to get up.

"You really want to sit next to the nerd than sit next to me?"

"She's a cute nerd and a whole lot nicer than you are bitch." Logan answers cooly. I gasp a bit when he calls her a bitch, that was kind of mean. Logan looks down at me when he hears me gasp, with his arm still around my shoulders and whispers, "Sorry for swearing but that is the only word I could think of to describe her." I nod at him and unwrap his arms from around me, scared that Noah is going to see. He would definitely make me move seats and I kind of like sitting next to Logan, he's the only student to stick up for me so far.

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