Yellow Light Green Light

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Sanji Vinsmoke is a 19 year old photographer in the modern streets of japan. He's well liked, has plenty of friends and is all in all a good person! He's also an excellent Photographer.......obviously! Some of his photos coincidentally helped solved mafia cases. All was right in the world for this young man! Well, until that day it was....

Sanji was woken up by the sound of his alarm and to the sun shining in his eyes "God I don't wanna get up!" He groans loudly. Sanji used to live with a roommate but they left to go and live with their girlfriend so sanji had the whole apartment to himself. That meant he could be as loud as he wanted "OI SANJI-KUN SHUT UP!" Well Almost as loud as he wanted

" IM SORRY NAMI-CHAN!!" he yelled back hearing the girl from the apartment next to him fumble around, probably for clothes. He sighed when he heard the footsteps lead up to his door and kick the door down " SANJI-KUN! Why do you have to be so loud in the morning huh?!" She asked " I'm sorry nami-chan I just really didn't want to get up. You know today is kind of a big deal for the department" he said pulling the blanket over his face. He then heard a sigh " well you could call in sick but they might send different photographers to the important scoops ya know" she said smirking, knowing how to rile him up and into getting out of bed.

Sanji knew what she was doing, she was tempting him. He sat up and signed " fine fine ya know your an asshole" he whined looking over at nami " I know! " Nami said cheerfully as she clapped her hand together " now get ready and if you don't text me all day and pick up something for my car I'll buy you fancy ramen tonight" he smiled innocently " I'll try but I do have somewhere to be at 7:00 tonight. That might have to wait" he looked at the ground as he walked to his closet and got dressed.

Him and nami had been friends ever since they where 3, they had been through everything together. First time drinking, first cars, first boyfriends. Yup! That's right! Sanji Vinsmoke was gay, homosexual, not interested in the opposite sex. He was kicked out by his parents and siblings at 15 for being how he is, but was thankfully taken in by nami and her family till they where 18 and they moved into the same apartment complex, right next to eachother and had been like that for a year in a half.

After he had gotten dressed he let nami walk him out and to the street, he ran around even though he had a car for some reason that nami still doesn't know, " bye bye nami-chan! I'll see you tonight" he yelled as he ran to work, but little did he know he wouldn't be coming home that day and was about to get mixed up in some very big things.

Zoro took a swig of his beer as he laid on the velvet couch and stared at the crystal chandelier " ugh I have to go to that meeting with Konan tonight" he muttered to himself. The only reason zoro was sitting there in the first place was because he was bored and he didn't want to do paperwork even though Luffy wouldn't care either way. He sat up with a grunt " I guess I should get ready" he groaned and grabbed his three pistols and shoved them into his gun holders.

He looked at himself in the mirror and adjusted his tie as said male, Luffy, walked in "Hey Zoro!" He grinned happily and waved at the green haired man " What's up?! You fixin to head out to meet Konan?" He asked curiosity filling his head " yeah........" He looked at Luffy and before the boy could speak zoro open his mouth " no you can't come with me" he said sternly. "Awwwwww why not zoro!" Luffy whined " I never get to come with you to negotiations" zoro looked over at Luffy " I've told you before and I'll say it again" he said dusting off his suit and making his way into the elevator with Luffy by his side " I'm not risking anyone getting hurt plus Konan knows I'd fuck him up if he tried anything" he then walked out of the elevator and before he stepped into he car he looked over at Luffy again " it'll be fine just trust me dude" he said and fist bumped Luffy before closing the door and telling the driver to take off.

As they drive off zoro started to think about how he got into this position. It was common for Mafia Bosses to give their foundation to their heir, aka zoro's dad gave him the company but to be honest zoro didn't want the company he wanted to have a normal childhood and maybe alittle bit of shooting but that passion turned into a desire so when he inherited the foundation he took his three guns and shot his dad's body 1 time for each gun. You see his dad hated guns he was more swords and katanas.

Back to the present zoro came out of his trance when his door was opened by one of konan's lackies ' I thought I told him not to bring anyone?' he thought angrily but before he could say anything Konan cut him off " relax he's new at this he's just a door opener zoro-san" Konan said and chuckled " shut the hell up I still told you not to bring anyone" the other male shivered in fear " w-well I'm sorry" zoro sighed and frowned " then let's get this over with" he said as they started to negotiate.

After a few minutes zoro heard a snap shot and calmly looking around as his eyes landed on a blonde beauties camera. ' another one?' he looked over at Konan again to see that he was not nervous at all ' ok then that's means he works for the new and is probably a photographer....... A cute one at that's he smirked " I think we're done here " he said with a smile as the blondie ran off ' I'll find you.'

Sanji stared in horror as his eyes met the man's, bit those eyes weren't any regular eyes. They were the deep chocolate brown eyes of Zoro Roronoa, one of the most notorious mafia bosses in Japan " oh my God" he said as he slowly got up and stared to run away ' I'm screwed I'm screwed I'm screwed' he chanted in his mind

I have no excuse really I just haven't updated any of my posts in about maybe 2 years so yeah but I decided to start this hehehe 😅 hope you like it! Word count: 1157 words!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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