Chapter #1

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You're in your fourth year, you're a Gryffindor, and you've had a crush on Mione (Hermione)  since the second year, you're arriving back in Hogwarts after the third year. You get on the train and see Harry Hermione and Ron sitting in the back of the train you go to sit by them.

"Hey, guys!" 

"Y/N, your finally here, come sit!" Mione says happily. 

"It feels like I haven't seen you guys in so long, how are you guys?"

 "Oh well I and Harry went to Hogsmead this summer, and Harry took candy without paying," Mione says, glaring at Harry.

" what? It was only 5 galleons ok."

 "It doesn't matter you still stole Harry." 

"Hey, why wasn't I invited Hermione?"

"Ron every time we invited you said you were 'busy eating and couldn't come.'" 

"Ron, you can't blame her your always eating," I say as he glares at me

"Bloody hell that's not true." You and Harry look at each other

  "Yes, you do." You and Harry say together.

" guys were almost here," Hermione says.

 You get inside and unpack all of your stuff and lay on your bed. You sit you and look at Hermione, she's so beautiful, you think to yourself.

"Hey,y/n can you hand me my books?" 

"oh, yeah of course Mione." 

You hand her, her books and your hands brush you feel a tingly feeling from your hand to your toes, she takes her books and puts them on the shelves. Am I the only one who felt that Mione didn't feel it? Couldn't have been she had to feel it too I felt it in my skin down to my feet.

" Hello?Y/n what are you thinking about?"

 "oh, uh nothing it's fine. We should probably go down to the great hall before we're late." 

You get your robes on and walk to the great hall. You sit down at the Gryffindor table across from Harry and Ron. 

"How did you guys get here so fast, your always late?" You say.

"We used that Time Turner necklace," Ron said looking at Mione with guilt.

 "Hey, that's mine!" Hermione looks angry, Hermione's scary when she's angry but still so confident and beautiful.

"Alright, sorry!" 

Dumbledore finally stops talking and you go to potions class, you've never liked Snape he always seemed angry and wasn't ever on time. He always has to make a huge entrance and is always loud about it.

"Pst, Mione can you lend me a pencil." She looks at you.

"You should have brought one, but yes." 

"No talking in my class Mrs.Granger, I thought would have learned that by now." Snape looked back at me and glared,

 "But sir-" I look at him with anger in my eyes.

" No, but now be quiet. Turn to page 497." 

Snape has always been super loud, but his voice is so low to where it's unbearable to hear. He never listens to what his students have to say, ever, no matter what you have to say. He would have to be my least favorite teacher. He does not like me he gets my grades fucked up all the time I know he's failing me on purpose but I don't know why. I've never done anything to get bad grades and I know I not failing, I cheat off Hermione.

"Y/N, are you listening?" Snape glares at me while everyone looks at me

"Oh, Uhm yes sir."

"What are the top three ingredients to brew a polyjuice potion?"

"Oh Uhm, I don't know sir."

"Pay attention to my class Mrs. Y/l/n. Can anyone else tell me? No one that's a shame."

"Sir, the top three ingredients are lacewing fly, leeches, and hair of the person you wish to turn into."Hermione protested.

"Did I ask you to speak Mrs.Granger? that is the fifth time this week you have talked out of turn 5 points from Gryffindor.

Many of the Gryffindors look at Mione and snarled they looked angry just because she was answering a question there was no reason to take house points, he seems to hate Gryffindor and always takes points from us. Mione slouches back and starts to write in her notebook, she doesn't show me what she's writing. She turns her notebook when I try and look. 

"Mione, what are you writing?"

"Oh, uhm it's nothing. You should be listening to Snape Y/n." 

I really want to know what Hermione is writing, but I don't want to be mean. So I guess ill just listen to Snape lecture us for the 100th time today. 

A little time goes by and we're finally out of potions class, next we have to go to Herbology. The teacher is so nice I still can't remember her name, Mrs. sprout I think I'm not sure but she's very short I'm 5'3 and she's shorter than me.

Soon herbology is done and we go to the great hall. I sit by Mione.

"Hi, Hermione."

"oh, hey Y/n."

"you sound angry ar you alright?"

"Ron and Harry are making me go to this stupid party Draco is hosting, but I need to study."

"oh, well sorry about that you can just skip."

"No, it's fine ill probably sneak out anyway when they aren't looking, do want to go with me?"

"Oh, uhm sure Mione."

"Ok good I didn't want to go by myself."

"there better be butterbeer, or I'm not going." You both laugh and see Ron and Harry walk down to the great hall.

"where were you too?"Hermione looks at them angered.

"Oh, uh nothing."Harry always smiles when he's lying.

"Harry, what did you do?" I get up and stand in front of him.

"Nothing y/n don't worry, erm so the party starts at 6 so don't be late or Draco will bash you."

"yeah yeah, whatever Harry see you there."

"Brilliant, see you there y/n."

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