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the rest of the week dragged on. y/n worked his shifts and spent as much time as he could with sunako before eventually packing two bags

though, once friday came, dabi put off their plan for another week. when y/n questioned him, all he said was that "i have one last job to do."

he said this for a month straight.

as yet another friday came around, y/n decided it was finally time to question dabi.

"if you don't want this anymore," y/n stood in the doorway of dabi's apartment with his arms cross. dabi told him to come inside but y/n was prepared for a heartbreak. he didn't want dabi seeing him at his lowest. "just tell me."

"but-" dabi tried grabbing y/n's arm, but y/n moved out of the way.

"no. no buts. no excuses," y/n stood his ground. "you aren't ready to do this and that's okay."

"i am ready! it's just-" dabi was getting frustrated. he sighed and ran his hands through his hair, particles of ash escaping his poorly kept locks.

"the league," y/n turned his head slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.


"dabi," y/n gave the taller male a sad smile. "you aren't ready to drop everything and run away. not this time, atleast." y/n knew the words would hurt but he didn't care.

"i don't want to make wait for me," y/n shook his head and pulled dabi down to his level.

"i've waited for you before, i can do it again." y/n pressed his lips softly onto what was left of dabi's scarred cheek.

"give me time, okay?" dabi spoke softly.

"we have all the time in the world," dabi smirked and pulled y/n's closer to his a pressed a kiss onto his lips passionately.


as y/n came to realize, they did not have all the time in the world.

they put it off for months. months.

but within those months, y/n slowly saw dabi grow more and more into a man he didn't recognize.

less time together. more time at work.

so much for dropping everything and leaving.

though y/n couldn't ignore the fact that he liked the extra time with his family. while he never told them that he planned on leaving, inko figured something was off when y/n suddenly came over every other night.

izuku tried questioning his older cousin, but he'd only avoid the topic.

one day, y/n was sitting on his couch watching a movie with sunako. the two were given the day off since the company had recently hired more employees who needed the hours of experience.

suddenly, a loud pounding came from their door. sunako and y/n looked at one another.

"did you order anything?" y/n questioned as he made his way to the door.

"no-" sunako's eyes widened at the sight that was behind the door.

there stood dabi, hunched over with his arm pressed against his stomach.

"dabi," y/n was panicking. he took off his black hoodie and pressed it forcefully against the wound as a way to stop the bleeding.

"i had no where else to go," dabi tried to chuckle but he hissed in pain.

"it's alright," y/n looked over at sunako who just nodded.

y/n quickly ripped hole in dabi's bloody shirt as a way to allow sunako to place her hand over the wound.

while she doesn't use her quirk much, all she needs to do is have her palms over a wound in order for it to heal. while it drains her, she knew it was necessary.

y/n walked away from his now healing soulmate and into the bathroom to get the cleaning supplies that were tucked away in the cabinet.

y/n quickly ran over to the doorway and sprayed the nearest cleaning liquid he could find onto the doorframe and scrubbed aggressively.

once he was satisfied with the lack of blood on the doorframe, he threw the sponge back into the bucket.

"the mops outside of my bedroom door," sunako said as she finished healing the wound. y/n dragged the mop and its bucket, squeezed the extra water back into the bucket, and cleaned the blood that had gotten into his wooden floors.

"i'm sorry i made a mess," dabi apologized.

"not like you could control the blood," y/n looked to see sunako walk towards her room.

"i haven't done that in so long," sunako yawned as she closed the door. dabi looked to y/n with a confused look on his face.

"her quirk drains her energy," y/n explained as he put the cleaning materials back. "that's good enough for now."

once y/n had put the supplies back into their respective places, he say next to dabi. y/n and dabi stared at one another in silence for a moment. y/n frowned slightly and pulled the taller man into his chest.

"i'm sorry," dabi mumbled as he held onto y/n tightly.

"don't apologize," y/n pressed a kiss onto dabi's forehead. "i'm just glad you're okay."

"no i should apologize," dabi pulled away so he could hold y/n's hands and make direct eye contact with his other half. "i made promises to you and i couldn't keep them."

y/n smiled softly while he tilted his head. he pressed his hand against the larger man's check and caressed it slowly before moving forward to softly press a kiss onto dabi's lips.

"things like this take time. trust me, i'm not sure i'm ready to just drop things and go," the two chuckled. "but one day we'll be able to run away and start a new life. just the two of us."

"i like the sound of that," dabi placed his hand over y/n's.

"good, because i like it too."

a/n: i suck at updating
not gonna be following the manga
cause ouch🥲

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