Chapter one

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Sasha parked her car in front of the hotel, she took a deep breath before getting out of the car, the valet took the keys from her and she told him about her luggage in the trunk which he helped her brought out. She walked into the hotel and approached the receptionist "I have a room."

"What name ma'am" the pretty blonde asked her with a pretty smile.

"Sasha White."

The blonde went through her computer before looking up to her with a smile "that will be room 1001, fifth floor."

Sasha nodded and she gave her the room card "would you like someone to show it you?" The girl asked.

"No thanks. I can mange, just tell the bellhop my room number for my bags."

"Sure ma'am, I will do just that."

Sasha walked into the elevator, just as she reached to press the fifth floor, someone used his hand to hold the doors, he peeked in and smiled at her before stepping inside. Sasha retuned his smile faintly, and leaned on the wall with her eyes closed after seeing him pressed the fifth floor.

The man kept glancing at her and she so badly wanted to ask what his business was, but she was just so not in the mood. The elevator ding sound was heard and she was out the door before it was fully opened, she walked straight searching for room 1001 and she found it without looking hard, she swiped her card and got in, slamming the door shut without a second look to the man, who clearly, wanted to speak to her.

Sasha made her way to the bedroom and slumped on the bed, she heaved a big sigh and couldn't believe she did it, how can she have walked out on Michael? She has been in love with him for fourteen years and finally she got to be with him and walked out? How could she have done that?

There was a knock on her door, disrupting her from her thoughts, she got up and walked to the living room, she opened the door to see the bellhop standing there "your bags ma'am" he smiled. Sasha nodded and walked back inside, she got her handbag and fetched out some dollar bills which she gave to him. He took it smiling sheepishly before walking away.

Sasha dragged her bags inside and went back to the room, she fell on the bed again to continue her thoughts but she found out it was weighing her down. She searched her bag for her phone and remembering she shoved it into her pant pocket, she fetched it out and searched her contact for a number and dialed, the person picked on second ring "hey Janey, what do you guys think about a night out? My treat."

A shrilling scream was heard from the other side and she removed the phone from her ear for a while before placing it back "I will tell the girls immediately and will also call my nanny and tell her to please stay over. Damn, I can't wait."

"I will meet you girls at the club" Sasha said and Janet okayed before hanging up. Sasha stared at her phone and heaved a deep sigh, well, it's not as hard as she thought it will be, maybe she really isn't that in love with Michael since she is not bathing herself in tears already.

She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes, not letting herself think of anything, she tried to keep her mind clear as the minutes ticked by.

Sasha was awoken by her phone's ringtone, she picked it up sleepily "hello?" She yawned.

"You got to be kidding me!" She heard and her eyes were cleared from sleep immediately "you are sleeping?"

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