Chapter One

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"Hey Latuarus...we're here, right?" You murmured. An echoey voice grumbled in response, "I believe so."

You stood on the corner of a busy street. Cars raced by, honking their horns. Lights blinked and you took in the busy sound of the night time city life.

Everything was overwhelming, but, you had to be here. Your objective was to find Maximus and the man who was heavily influenced by the V-Virus.

All your sources led to this small city and damn, was it a long fly from where you jumped out of the maze. There were no portals you could activate right now.

Maybe...after such a long flight, you should stop for some food. There was a burger joint across the road. You grinned and quickly made your way through traffic. This sort of stuff fueled your energy.

The bakugan, Lazuarus, who lived rent free in your mind, agreed. He seemed eager to get some sort of sustenance. Now, you might be the hell was a bakugan living in your mind? Well, you weren't too sure either. It seemed to be a side affect of the V-Virus. If you had it for a certain period of time, the bakugan and their partner would become one were the only one like this. Seeing as Tiko had attacked you years ago in the maze and infected you and your Bakugan with his Virus. Maybe it was also because you weren't exactly from this world...but just ignore that fact.

You sighed and rubbed your temples. The cold evening air was quickly washed away as you opened the door to the burger joint, a comforting warmth enticing you to enter. You quickly stepped inside and walked up to the counter.

The man at the counter gave you a smile and asked what you wanted. You chose a few things from the menu and paid, walking off to sit in one of the cushion seats.

There were a few different people here, all enjoying their meals. Your mouth watered.

A tray was placed in front of you. "Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you!" You clapped your hands together before digging into the meal. Damn, it was good. Lazuarus hummed. He really liked human food and I guess he got to share it with you when you ate...a bit creepy if you ask me but oh well.

The door opened and a group of kids walked in. You paid them no attention as you continued to eat and think.

"Hey! That group of kids. I can sense Maximus's energy surrounding them." Lazuarus boomed and you nodded. "You're right. What an interesting aura."

You quickly ate the rest of your burger and stood from the table, throwing your trash away.

"Alright. Let's go talk to these kids."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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