In Sync

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Gustave blinked awake at the sound of a door closing, the chopper blades picking up in speed at the far reaches of his hearing. The sounds sharpened again when the pain in his chest came rushing back fiercely.
Blitz winced when he pressed the thick wad of gauze to the wound, knowing it hurt Doc like hell. The medic specialist normally providing treatment was on a padded steel board, secured to the floor of the helicopter he'd arrived in.
The wound itself looked like it had missed anything important, by a stroke of luck. The bleeding however was a serious concern. If they could get him back before he bled out, they'd have him stitched up and on healing compounds. Elias spoke over his communicator, "Kotz to Base, we need med wing ready to go."
There was a click of static as he removed the wad of gauze, thick and darkened scarlet. He replaced it immediately with another, a voice reaching through a veil of static through his communicator. "Copy. We need Doctor Kateb's ETA to base, do you have communication?"
Blitz gave a half shrug, "You're seeing him sooner than you're gonna like." There was another click before a reply "Copy." He could see Mira in the corner of his vision, searching a trauma bag for morphine. A tubed plastic shape, almost resembling a marker was pulled from the bag and handed to him. He popped the cap off and gave the blue end a quick jab to Doc's thigh, the click told him it worked. He removed it after a few moments and set it aside. The morphine hit him almost instantly, losing a sense of feeling through his limbs in waves, only allowing him to feel pain in faint ripples. Unfortunately this took other sensation with it as well.
  In the short time it took to return in their urgency, Doc felt the chopper steady on landing, the door immediately being pulled open. "MoveMoveMove." Blitz braced with his leg and side injuries, lifting the front of the board as Mira lifted the back, Caveira taking hold of one side. She kept in step with them off the chopper as she brought the strap across his side and secured it.
  Cav was about to release the board to give them room when she felt two fingers over the top of her hand, her gaze dropping to it. Doc quickly tilted her palm and subtly pushed and item in to her hand before it returned to his side.
  She knew on reflex not to question whatever this was, and simply closed her hand, stepping to their left and ahead to pull the main doors open. Blitz and Mira quickly moved though the open door, the sound of their rapid boot steps thudding across the pavement and in to the hall.
  Caveira turned the doorway corner and in to the hall, lifting two fingers to examine the object. She blinked in recognition when she realized it was one of their body cams. Gustave had pulled his chest cam off in the chopper.
  No.. he wouldn't... But what about- She looked down at her uniform and located her chest cam, closer to her shoulder strap. The side was unlit. But a thin yellow and red wire curled from the edge of its flat encased strap.
  There was an immediate reminder of Gustave's hand meeting her shoulder. He'd cut the wire. But it didn't matter if the chip still had data.. She turned the cam a bit only for the light to gleam off of a blank lens.
The faint ringing in her ears connected something in her mind. The flash had been too close. It fucked her cam over completely. Everything after the emp was gone, if not the entirety of the footage. How she wasn't deaf or blind was a mystery. One thing she did know, was that he'd been two steps ahead on keeping her covered if it survived.

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