Chapter 13( Killed )

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"Yes I'm already at the destination with the men." Jimin said to you on call. He was supposed to direct those men inside as you and Ethane waited for the signal to attack. It was all planned and set. The first day along with the death of two among those five guys. The plan was Jimin would accompany those guys and enter the underground mafia club where the meeting was taking place. You knew it wouldn't be easy for Jimin but it was also known to you that Jin could not even imagine that you were alive.


I entered the meeting place along with Y/n's men as I was asked to. From a distance I could clearly hear Jin's voice which was coming from the room where the meeting was placed. Walking into for a short while there I could see the five guys. Jin in the middle, Yoongi his left hand and Namjoon his right. In the front Jungkook and Hoseok,observing the men who were gathered there for the same reason. As expected, those two wasted their times serving these monsters and eventually turned into one.

I made my way inside and soon was the attention of all. Obviously it had to be so because they were after all planning to attack me. A smirk placed on Jin's face as he approached me." So you gave up with your stupid rage as soon as the news of we attacking the Parks reached you?" " Well I will say a yes to your question. I was indeed stupid, before but no more. So accept me in your team along with my huge group of great fighters. " I said.

For a second he observed my whole group before another smirk could be seen on his face. "Good to have you back." He said with a smile which could be described as evil to me. I went on with the act and extended my hand for a shake and he did accept it showing the plan was going in the right direction.

"Welcome back hyung." Jungkook came and gave me a warm hug. I wanted to give him back the same wariness but couldn't cause he wasn't the same guy anymore. He wasn't the brother of mine whom I used to adore the most in the group of seven persons. Anyways there wasn't any chance to look back at the past days and feel bad cause things weren't going to change.

Soon the sorting out of people was done and thankfully my whole team was there. It was then time for the luncheon which was supposed to be at their mansion outside the underground club. I knew what I had to do.

I pointed my men to be ready and they got it without any problem. Everything was going smooth. As Jin and the other guys walked in the front I decided to walk a bit backward. As soon as I got the right chance, I put my phone on call to Y/n's number. She didn't take time to pick up. " how is it going on?" Sue asked from the other side. "All set. Get ready they are going out." I said in a whispered tone and disconnected the call before making the heated, serious situation a bit light so that they won't be suspicious.

"Hyung what's there for lunch?" I asked with an excited tone. It was usual for me to act like that and they knew it very well. "You haven't changed a bit." Suga scoffed from the other side as the other guys gave out a light chuckle. I faked a smile too as they neared towards the exit.

"Open the door." Jin ordered the guards and I knew that it was the moment. As soon as the guys along with the men stepped out of the place I put my one hand up to let my people know that it was the time. "Now!" I shouted as numerous gunshots could be heard all around the place within a short while.

Moving onto my position at a swift distance I loaded my gun before shooting down their men. My main target was Jungkook and Ethane's was Hoseok. The rest of the three were ordered to be abducted.

Soon the other men came and to my surprise there was Y/n too. She wore a black cap hiding her face so that none could guess her presence.

The fight took a further turn but the problem was their men were more skilled than ours. I knew that the problem would stand here and was ready for it. Shooting didn't stop for a moment as time passed. Each second the situation was getting heated.

Clearing the way I forwarded nearer to Jungkook as Ethane too approached Hoseok. I was then standing right at the back of him who was busy shooting others. It would be a lie if I would say that I was feeling alright. It wasn't like that. I felt terrible from inside to think about ending the one whom I cared the most, loved the most. He considered me as his hyung but at the end he was one of those dreadful evil. I was even one of them, the only difference was I was doing the right thing but he ain't doing so.

I reloaded my gun but before I could shoot Jungkook turned back and with a swift blow kicked the gun from my hands before holding me at gunpoint. "I never thought you would act this down." He said in a raged tone filled with dismay. "And I never thought that you would turn into an evil ad you are today." I scoffed at him only to make him even more enraged. His hands travelled to the trigger about to pull it. I closed my eyes feeling defeated cause I could not do my best but nothing went as it was about to. Another gunshot could be heard but from a distance. As I opened my eyes, Jungkook dropped on the ground, kneeling in front of me, he was shot from back.

As I darted my view from him to the person who did that, my eyes went wide. "Y/n!" I gasped on seeing her . I never thought she would save me but yeah she did. "You-" I was too amazed on her step to speak up. "Check over the other three. Ethane is faster than you. His work is already done in one go. And you were busy killing yourself." She scoffed at me as I looked at her with a surprised expression. "Hoseok... dead?" I asked and she nodded her head, eyes showing glee." Finish your work and check out those bastards." She said with a sudden darkened tone as I nodded at her sheepishly.

Within our conversation the thing we missed out was the one crouching on the ground with pain. Jungkook wasn't dead. I knew that but I couldn't imagine that he had the ability to take the next step. I never knew that he wanted Y/n to be dead that much when he was himself near to his end. As I moved back to get my gun, he took the tight opportunity to get his. With loading the gun , by gathering as much myth he had in his bleeding body , he aimed it at her with his shaking hands.

I did see him do that but didn't have another second to think of what to do." Y/n watch out!" I screamed at her trying my best , to make her aware of the thing Jungkook was doing but before she could do anything the gun was already fired but it didn't hobad Jungkook wanted it to be.


you could hear Jimin shouting out for you to watch out but before you could even react an ear piercing gunshot could be heard making your hands reach out to your ears as you bent down a bit of the sudden intense. That self of yours didn't remain longer as a painful gasp was heard from back. As you turned back , the sight was clear to you of what had happened. Jimin stood right in front of you with his white shirt drenched with his own blood , he knelt down because of the sudden intense pain over his body. But before he totally gave up, he did his last job. Aiming the gun he pulled the trigger as the bullet pierced through Jungkook's chest. Hence dead.

You did waste another fraction of time and scooted down towards Jimin's height. A gasp left from your gape watching him struggling to breath, blood oozing out I'd hid chaste. "Jimin!" You mumbled out his name. You didn't think to find yourself like that because you clearly remembered that you had wanted him to be dead a while ago . You never could imagine him to take that much of a big step to save you.

At last his body gave up as his figure met with the ground, breathing getting heavier each second. Seeing your glistening eyes a smile took over his pale face. "You d-dont have to feel sad for what I did. I deserved it anyways. Keep it in mind that the first part of Taehyung's wish is fulfilled. The other most important part is left. No matter what happens you need to fulfill it." He said holding onto your hands. You nodded your head with tear brimming eyes as Jimin showed his last smile before letting out his last breath. Eyes shut closed, body tuned ice cold, you lost another person from beside you but this time you did gain something.

The two people whom you wanted to be dead were gone then, and you were left with three more whom you wanted to kill with much more pain, hitting at their weaknesses, making them suffer to the point , so that they beg for their end.


I felt so bad while writing this part but yeah I need to :(
The killing game has already started and each part will be more triggering from now on.
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I hope you are enjoying the story. And yeah I will try to be regular from now on. It's too tough to handle accounts on both wattpad and Instagram. I'm really sorry I hope you will understand my problem.

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