40 Minutes

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I woke up with to the annoying sound of tap-tapping on my window.

I stretched out, confused at that horrible noise, and looked at my glowing clock.

Seriously, 4:27? You couldn't have waited like another six hours?

I had fallen asleep around three in the morning and in that time, I had managed to write seven chapters in my book. So currently, I was living on one hour and twenty seven minutes of sleep and quite frankly, THAT DOES NOT WORK FOR A CAT!

I growled at the tapping that still hadn't stopped but I doubt the person heard me. Who the heck's that idiot? Right now I was highly considering the idea of waking outside and mauling the idiots head, but instead I crept over to my window and looked outside.

There, sitting among the morning dew on our freshly cut grass, was none other and Charlie and Nikki.

Hey! She barked happily.

Don't hey me. I snapped.

"Woah, someone's a sour puss. Hehe haha, get it? Sour puss." Charlie chucked.

I flickered my tail in annoyance. "Why are you guys here?" I asked, my tone now monotone. I had no energy to make a fuss. I felt like my eyes were about fall out of their sockets and land right inside Charlie's laughing mouth. Heh, that would actually be kind of funny.

"Because while you were cooped up in your house, we were thinking of a plan." Nikki told me, interrupting my thoughts.

Yay, another plan.

Note the sarcasm.

Quite frankly, I was liking my gory ideas about eyes better than this conversation.

"Well excuse me, but I nearly got eaten by a dog. Therefore, I have a good reason to stay 'cooped up.'"

"Oh, you poor baby." She seethed sarcastically. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but we have bigger problem. Like how we're supposed to turn back to humans! And today's the last day of spring break so we kinda gotta hurry."

"Today!?" I ran away from the window-still and turned my iPad on. There, in neat lettering on the glowing screen, was today's date: Monday, February 22, 2014.

"No! No! No!" I cried running back to the window. "This is bad. Very, very bad. Guys, we have to do something. Anything. C'mon lets go-now! Presto, or pronto- whatever. Just move! Move! Move! We gotta go stop them and get the drug and turn back into humans and whatever else we need to do! I cannot miss school. I cannot be late. I gotta go back to being a human. Now! Come on, let's go NOW!"

"Well it looks like somebody finally woke up." Charlie said, still laughing. Then more seriously, he continued. "But what did you actually say?"

"Ally, how do we tell him what I said?"

"Doesn't matter. He doesn't have to understand us all the time, just most of the time. I typed on his iPad to formulate the plan. We actually thought of a pretty good one."

"Now what are you saying? Ugh, why can't you speak English?"

"Cause I'm a cat," I growled.


"Ugh, Ally, how are we supposed to get anything done? We're running out of time."

"Dude, chill. We haven't even been here for five minutes. There is plenty of time."

I looked back at my clock at true to her word, it was only 4:21.

"Fine. But you better tell me your plan."

"Meet us at the shop in forty minutes." And with that, she got up, barked twice at Charlie and started walking away.

Forty minutes. I had forty minutes. I looked at my clock again.

In forty minutes, we would be one step closer to become humans again.

The Day I Turned Into a Cat (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now