Yoongi - Baby

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Yoongi and I had been dating for a couple of years and we finally decided that we were ready to take a step forward. The lease for my apartment was due and we practically spent all our time together at one of our places already. We had both been saving a lot to move already so why not combine them? We would surely enough to get a good apartment. Maybe even one with enough space for me to have an art studio and him an at-home music studio.

He found an apartment with a great view located near the edge of Seoul. Going to visit and check it out was easy. We sent a message to the landlord and booked the day that week when we had time off work to go and look around.

It had a master bedroom with a floor to ceiling window and a walk-in closet, at least enough to fit both of our wardrobe's, along with a connected bathroom. It had two extra bedrooms, another bathroom, an office space, along with a beautiful kitchen and living room.

"Oh, Yoonie look at this view! And this little window is perfect for reading!"

Yoongi looks over to me looking out the window with wide excited eyes and gives a small laugh before joining me on the window ledge. He wraps his arms around my waist in a back hug before resting his chin on my shoulder. 

"I think it's perfect. And guess what?"


"It's ours" 

We took the next little while to take care of our current places and pack our things.  We spent it packing our clothes and belongings into boxes to be moved and choosing whose will go where and what we are donating. We went back to the apartment often to get it ready to move in. 

We repainted the bedroom black with stars on the ceiling that go well with the view from the tall window and my white bedframe went into our room while Yoongi's bedframe was black so it went in the guest room which was white.

We painted the office space black and turned it into Yoongi's personal studio so he can work from home and the extra bedroom white for me to use as a painting studio. We moved Yoongi's black leather furniture over to go with the white walls of the living room and my kitchen wear because Yoongi didn't happen to have any. 

As move-in day came around we were all prepared. A couple of our friends offered help moving our things up from the truck and everything was up in no time. We unpacked and placed our things around our new place, hung up our clothes and before we knew it, it was time for bed. 

"Oh Wait! There's one more box to open!" Yoongi said excitedly pulling me towards our bedroom. I was confused, as far I knew all our things had been put away. 

"What do you mean? All of our stuff is already-"

"Close your eyes." 


"Close them"


I closed my eyes and he opened the door, guiding me in. 

I hear him turn the light on, I hear him pick up a box and walk back to me. 

"Okay open." 

I open my eyes to see a small box in his arms with holes poked in the sides and lid. I give him a questioning look before he gives me an exciting nod to open the box so I do. Inside is the most adorable toy poodle I have ever seen, 

"Yoongi what-?"

"I know how much you always wanted to get a dog but our old places weren't pet friendly. And I didn't tell you before but this place is so I thought this little guy would be the perfect addition to our little family" he says with a small smile. 

I start to tear up as I go to take the puppy out of the box and hold him in my arms like a baby before moving to put my head in Yoongi's chest and sniffle as my tears flow. 

"I love him. And I love you, baby."

"I love you too sweetheart." He says with a small chuckle. "We still have to name him. 

I wipe my eyes and clear my throat before talking with a small laugh "Any ideas?" 

"Hmm. I was thinking Holly, what do you think of that?"

"I love it, baby, Holly is perfect," I say leaning up to give him a kiss. 

"Come, it's late. Let's go to bed." He says taking my hand and pulling me towards the bed, before laying down I put Holly down on the bed and he moves to curl up in between us. 

"Good night baby," I say looking lovingly at them both. 

"Good night my love" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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