(The start of the story may be a bit confusing sorry if so)
My breath deepens as he nears behind me his soft eyes and his curly hair males me look back just for a glimpse, our eyes meet and i turn away a blush threatening to come onto my face. He catches up to me and starts to speak all i can look at is his lips they are so magnetic i feel myself being dragged closer to him as we walk down an alley way.
As we near the end of the alley way i trip over something and scrape my knees against the hard concrete he stops to help me up looking worried,
"Do you want to come back to my house and i can help clean you up a bit?" The boy asks with a kind expression.
"Thank you Noah i don't think id get home without all the blood dripping down my leg." I say forgetting about the pain and staring into his eyes.
We stare into each other's eyes for a minute before turning away. Why was he being so nice today normally he would mock me about something but this is the side of Noah i knew a long time ago.
When we arrived at his house he helped me up into his bedroom and grabbed a few wipes to clean my knees, he help wipe the blood off and puts a plaster on my knees as i stand up.
"Why don't i walk you home make sure you don't trip over anything else." He says with a giggle.
I agree and we leave, my house wasn't too far away it was only a ten minute walk from his house. When we arrive at mine we say good bye but as i go to open the door i realise I forgot my keys at his house i quickly shout for him and he turns around,
"I seem to have left my keys at your house could you bring them to school tomorrow?" I shout.
"Sure!" He shouts back.
(The next morning)
I walk into school with a huge smile on my face because it was my favourite lessons mainly because Noah was in them, he still hadn't given my keys back I'm guessing he's going to give me them in our first lesson together.
(Skip to lunch)
Noah still hadn't given my keys back maybe he had forgotten but when i walked outside i could see him holding something that looked to be my keys i run up to him and try to get my keys back but i end up tripping up and falling on top of him,well can the get anymore awkward, i get off of him to see his cheeks are bright red i don't know if its anger or if he's embarrassed but all he says is,
"Come with me."
I immediately do as he say continuously apologising but he keeps saying its ok. We enter an abandoned classroom he grabs my hands then........A/N: A cliff hanger here but the next chapter should be up tomorrow. Please leave any comments i want as much feedback as i can get so i can improve my story.