your a 15year old girl that had a terrible past from her family and shes been in a orphanage since she was 9 and everytime she gets addopted she gets returned in less then a week. One day someone comes in looking for a daughter and you seem to have...
DANIELLE'S POV: I got super uncomfortable so decided to take a shower. I got dressed into this..
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You wanted to go downstairs but hesitated to open the door. You just took a deep breath and open the door. You walked down the stairs slowly trying not to make eye contact. You got to the bottom of the stairs didnt see the boys. You thought it was weird but decided to go into the kitchen and get a snack. You walk into the kitchen and all the boys were there. All eyes go to you and it turns into a akward moment of silence. You look over at your dad and he can sense that you are uncomfortable because he decides to break the silence by saying... J: Hey guys wanna go play Video games Them: yeah. They all got up and walked to the living room one by one. Soon it was just you, Josh, and Quinton. Your dad walked over to you. U: Thank you. J: Np. He follower the boys and it was just you and Quinton(hes 15 btw) U:Hey? You say awkwardly Q: Hey U: Whats up? Q: just wanted to say what I saw when I walked into your room was hot. You dont know what to say. He walks over to you and pushes you gently against the counter and kisses you. His lips are so soft. The kiss was so passionate you loved it. He depends the kiss by sticking his tongue in. It turns into a makeout session but you slowly pull away. U: Woah Q: I. Really. Like. You.
He says, your shocked but the truth is you always thought he was cute and you had a crush on him but didnt know if he felt the same way. U: I really like you too Quinton. Q: Would you like to be my girlfriend? U: What about Josh? Q: I can deal with him. U: Are you sure? Q: 100% U: Yes I would love to be your girlfriend but can we keep this a secret for a while. Q: Of course. I'm gonna go play with the boys I'll see you later U: Ok